BOPI in intregime - agepi

BOPI in intregime - agepi

BOPI in intregime - agepi


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MD - <strong>BOPI</strong> 4/2009<br />

VII<br />

Modificări <strong>in</strong>tervenite în statutul juridic<br />

al cererilor sau titlurilor de protecţie<br />

ale obiectelor de proprietate <strong>in</strong>dustrială /<br />

Amendments <strong>in</strong> the legal status<br />

of applications and titles of protection<br />

Î<br />

n prezenta Secţiune sunt publicate modificările <strong>in</strong>tervenite în situaţia juridică a cererilor şi titlurilor<br />

de protecţie: modificări ale denumirilor solicitanţilor / titularilor, ale adreselor acestora; date despre<br />

cererile retrase, resp<strong>in</strong>se, repuse în termenele omise; titluri de protecţie anulate, revalidate; decăderi<br />

d<strong>in</strong> drepturi; date priv<strong>in</strong>d contractele de cesiune, licenţă, gaj şi franchis<strong>in</strong>g; lista eratelor.<br />

I<br />

n the Section there are published amendments produced <strong>in</strong> the legal state of the applications and<br />

titles of protection: amendments of the applicants / rightowners names, addresses thereof; data<br />

relat<strong>in</strong>g to the withdrawn, rejected, refiled <strong>in</strong> the omitted terms applications; cancelled, revalidated<br />

titles of protection; forfeiture of rights; data relat<strong>in</strong>g to the assignment, license, gage and franchise<br />

contracts; the errata.<br />


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