Issue 261

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20 05/07/2018 ıÏappleª<br />

www.samajweekly.com<br />

√Î≈ D Á≈ Ï≈’Δ...<br />

’Δ ⁄≈‘∞ßÁ∂ ‘È ‹ßÓ±-’ÙÓΔapple Á∂ ÒØ’?<br />

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E. mail : abhaydubey'csds.in<br />

√Î≈ AF Á≈ Ï≈’Δ...<br />

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British MPs take up Johal<br />

‘torture’ with Theresa May<br />

LONDON : More than 70 MPs from different<br />

parties have signed a letter by Labour<br />

MP Preet Kaur Gill to Prime Minister<br />

Theresa May, raising the issue of<br />

alleged torture of British citizen Jagtar<br />

Singh Johal, who was arrested in<br />

Punjab in November 2017.<br />

Seeking an urgent statement in<br />

Parliament from foreign secretary<br />

Boris Johnson, the letter referred to<br />

reports in the British media about<br />

Johal being allegedly tortured. He has been<br />

denied an independent medical examination, the<br />

letter said. Johal's arrest has often been raised by<br />

British ministers and officials with Indian counterparts,<br />

including during the April visit of Prime<br />

Minister Narendra Modi. Punjab Police rubbished<br />

the reports about the alleged torture of<br />

Johal while in custody.<br />

“All these allegations are baseless. Due legal<br />

process was followed during the arrest of<br />

Johal and he underwent proper medical<br />

examination under supervision of the court<br />

during remand,” a Punjab Police<br />

spokesman said.<br />

A team that included Andrew Ayne, the<br />

British deputy high commissioner at<br />

Chandigarh, had a 65-minute consular<br />

access meeting with Johal at Ludhana on<br />

November 24, 2017, the spokesperson<br />

said, adding: “A malicious campaign has been<br />

launched by militants and their sympathisers as<br />

well as radical elements in Britain which is nothing<br />

but a slanderous campaign.”<br />

Gill, who is chair of the AllParty Parliamentary<br />

Group on British Sikhs, wrote in the letter: “We<br />

have also written to the chief minister of Punjab,<br />

Captain Amarinder Singh, but to no avail.<br />

Dalai Lama arrives in Leh<br />

JAMMU: Buddhist spiritual leader, the 14th<br />

Dalai Lama, reached Leh on Tuesday morning to<br />

attend a Buddhist conference at Nubra on July 10,<br />

11 and 12. “The Dalai Lama’s is likely to stay for<br />

15-16 days in Leh and will be attending the conference<br />

in Nubra for three days. These are tentative<br />

dates,” said assistant information officer<br />

from Leh, Angdul. The Nobel laureate was<br />

received by Jammu and Kashmir legislative<br />

council’s chairman Haji Inayat Ali, member of<br />

parliament (MP) ThupstanTsewang, member of<br />

legislative assembly (MLA) Leh Nawang Rigzin<br />

Jora, religious, political and social heads of both<br />

Leh and Kargil districts. At Jive-tsal, the Dalai<br />

Lama’s palace in Leh, he addressed Rinpoches,<br />

monks, nuns and locals and thanked people of<br />

Ladakh for their love and respect.<br />

He said there is need to develop the quality of<br />

love and kindness along with materialistic<br />

development by all the world religions.<br />

Talking about the recent conference of Indian<br />

Himalayan Buddhist Communities held at Delhi,<br />

he appreciated the decision of converting the<br />

monasteries into learning centres.<br />

With the shifting of paradigm from feudal<br />

system to democracy it is necessary to bring<br />

change in our monastic system as well, stressed<br />

Dalai Lama. “Feudal system garners hate and<br />

violence, while democracy gives right to all for<br />

developing a peaceful environment,”he said,<br />

adding that the world is going through an emotional<br />

crisis.<br />

√Î≈ D Á≈ Ï≈’Δ...<br />

Ì≈apple √apple’≈apple Á≈ Ï∂Â∞’≈ ¯À√Ò≈<br />

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appleμ÷‰≈ ˜apple±appleΔ ‘À¢ ¡≈˙, √≈apple∂ appleÒ ’∂ Í≈‰Δ ¡Â∂ Ú≈Â≈ÚappleÈ È±ß<br />

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¿∞√ ÂØ∫ Ï⁄‰≈ Ï‘∞ ˜apple±appleΔ ‘À¢<br />

1.5 lakh people may lose their<br />

citizenship status in Assam<br />

GUWAHATI : Around 1.5 lakh people whose<br />

names were in the first part draft of the ongoing<br />

exercise of updation of National Register<br />

of Citizens (NRC), now risk earning the tag of<br />

illegal immigrant. They will not be part of the<br />

July 30 draft of the NRC following discrepancies<br />

reported in the second round of verification<br />

process, authorities said on Tuesday.The<br />

first draft published on midnight of December<br />

31, 2017, had 1.9 crore names out of the 3.29<br />

crore who applied. The Supreme Court on<br />

Monday extended the deadline to publish the<br />

second draft to July 30. The NRC exercise is<br />

being conducted to identify alleged illegal<br />

immigrants in the state.<br />

As per the Supreme Court order, those who<br />

will be excluded, include 65,694 cases of family<br />

tree investigations, whose claims were<br />

found to be false in the second round of family<br />

tree verification, 48,456 cases of married<br />

women who submitted certificates issued by<br />

Gaon panchayats to prove their citizenship and<br />

19,783 persons whose names were erroneously<br />

mentioned in the first draft .<br />

This has led to questions on the credibility of<br />

the ongoing exercise.<br />

“How is it possible that names of 1.5 lakh foreigners<br />

were included in the first draft? Who<br />

are the responsible officers?” asked Tarun<br />

Gogoi, former chief minister. “It just proves<br />

that the NRC exercise is not being done properly<br />

from the initial stage,” he said, adding that<br />

there were apprehensions that genuine Indian<br />

citizens may be kept out of the final draft.<br />

“How is it possible that despite the exercise<br />

having been started in 2015, there are still<br />

errors,” asked Aminul Islam, the general secretary<br />

of All Indian United Democratic Front.<br />

Around 40,000 state government officials and<br />

outsourced data entry operators have been<br />

engaged in this mammoth exercise which<br />

started in 2015.<br />

An NRC official, on condition of anonymity,<br />

however, counters these claims, but blamed<br />

“architecture of the whole exercise” for the<br />

errors.<br />

He explained that how in some cases the family<br />

tree verification done before publishing the<br />

first draft was found to be false when all the<br />

families were brought together for a joint verification.<br />

In the case of Gaon panchayat certificates, the<br />

NRC official said some officials at the local<br />

level verified them even though it was supposed<br />

to be done only after the publication of<br />

the first draft.<br />

The Supreme Court, in its order of July 2,<br />

amid opposition by several groups, upheld the<br />

directives given by NRC state coordinater<br />

Prateek Hajela on D (doubtful) voters — those<br />

of declared foreigners and those whose cases<br />

are pending with the foreigners tribunals will<br />

not be part of the complete draft till their cases<br />

are decided.<br />

“It goes to the credit of the NRC authorities<br />

that we have been able to spot problems before<br />

the publication of the complete draft,” Hajela<br />

said.<br />

An NRC official said out of the approximately<br />

1,26,000 D voters, over 63,000 have been<br />

identified, and out of another around 90,000<br />

declared foreigners, another 4,500 have been<br />


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