SNU 혁신나도할수있다_DCAMP 2019

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THE TEAM<br />

Symbol<br />

57<br />

TWELVE - A<br />

의사이자창업가로서도활약할멋진서울의대학생들의경쾌한첫걸음<br />

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D.CAMP의‘나도할수있다’라는수업을듣고우리팀원들은더넓은시야를갖게되었고마음속의<br />

창업가의 씨앗이 뿌려졌습니다. 우리는 ‘이제 나도’ 라는 구호로 열심히 준비해주신 D.CAMP와 서울<br />

의대의선생님들에게화답하며,미래에는의사이자멋진창업가로서도활약할것이라고다짐하고있습<br />

니다.로고는시원시원한파란색으로경쾌하게앞으로걸어가는느낌을줍니다.<br />

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TWELVE - B<br />

Third Row: John Smith, Sally Williams, John Smith, Sally Williams, John Smith, Sally Williams, John<br />

Smith, Sally Williams, John Smith Second Row: Bob Smart, Jenny Penny, Bob Smart, Jenny Penny, Bob<br />

Smart, Jenny Penny, Bob Smart, Jenny Penny, Bob Smart Front Row: John Smith, Sally Williams, John<br />

Smith, Sally Williams, John Smith, Sally Williams, John Smith, Sally Williams, John Smith

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