Friesia III, 5

Friesia III, 5

Friesia III, 5


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- 350-<br />

been eaten in the Viking-period. It is no proof that the natives in Siberia,<br />

Mexico etc. have been addicted to it, As the tales of the poor<br />

Korak people often mention the Fly Agaric, why is it that the proud<br />

Seandinavia sagas never do? In no known Danish, Norwegian or lrish<br />

document, legend, ornament or decoration from that period do fungi<br />

seem to exist. We therefore eannot join S c h li b e l e r in his optimism<br />

that it could have been a secret of the Berserks. There were thousands<br />

of Berserks, and in any case the rulers, who employed the Berserks<br />

must have known the secret. Nothing has been handed down. Maybe<br />

there was nothing to hand down? Maybe the vocable "berserk" only<br />

was meant as a literary flower telling from ancient times about the<br />

fury of fighting. However, the fury of the Berserks remains a<br />

mystery till new facts come to light.<br />


Bergman, Sten: Med Hundeslæde gennem Kamtschatka. København 1927.<br />

S.103, 174, 185. (Translated into 12 languages).<br />

Bergsøe, Vilhelm: Om giftige Svampe <strong>III</strong>. Avisartikel i "Nationaltidende",<br />

9. Sept. 1887. (Kgl. Bibliotek).<br />

Bjørnekær. K.: Svampe. København 1943. S.13.<br />

Buchwald, N. Fabritius: Spise- og Giftsvampe. København 1937. S. 84.<br />

Bugge, Alexander- Vikingerne II. København 1906. S. 76-82.<br />

Ferdinandsen & Winge: Mykologisk Ekskursionsflora. København. 1. Udg.<br />

1928. S. 22. '<br />

Freuchen, Peter: Sibiriske Eventyr. København 1939.<br />

Fries, Elias: Sveriges atliga och giftiga Svampar. Stockholm 1861. (Bo ­<br />

tanisk Bibl.).<br />

Goldsmith, Oliver: Citizens of the World. Vol. I. London 1774. S.158-160.<br />

(Kgl. Bibl.).<br />

Grøn, Frederik: Berserkergangens vesen og årsaksforhold. Et medisinskhistorisk<br />

studie. Kgl. Norske Vidensk.s Selsk.s Skrifter 1'929, Nr.<br />

4. Trondhjem 1929. S. 1-60. (Kgl. Bibliotek).<br />

Horn, Winkel: Billeder af Livet paa Island. 1871. Droplaugssønnernes<br />

Saga. (Til Sammenligning af B u g g e's og S c h ti b e l e r's<br />

Paastande) .<br />

Joeehelson, Waldemar: The Jesup North Pacific Expedition. Vol. VI (The<br />

Koryak, Religion and Myths); Vol. VII (The Koryak, Material<br />

Culture, social Organization). Edited by Franz Boas, Leiden<br />

and New York 1908. S. 74, 116, 120, 148-149, 417, 582 ff.<br />

(Haandbogsamlingen, Nationalmuseets etnografiske Afdeling).<br />

Kennan, George: Tent Life in Siberia (New Edition). London 1871. S.139<br />

-140, 160. (Universitetsbiblioteket).

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