22.08.2013 Aufrufe

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------ 14. curt fragt<br />

bullshit, you know. We wanted it to sound real<br />

and live!<br />

curt: recently, one big newspaper here in new<br />

York wrote that you are “… urinating in the<br />

ears of your listeners”. What’s up with that?<br />

JOHN: Who wrote that?<br />

curt: entertainment weekly.<br />

JOHN: Well who else gets paid to urinate in<br />

someone’s ear? I think you must really love<br />

someone to let him piss in your ear. you know<br />

media like that never liked us, which is part of<br />

why our fans love us so much. I mean look into<br />

the tour section of Rolling Stone. We’re not<br />

mentioned. We have a concert in front of ten<br />

thousand people next week and we’re not in<br />

there. I think that’s fucking great.<br />

andy setzt sich neben John aufs sofa.<br />

ANDy: Rock ’n’ Roll on a certain level is a<br />

bunch of bullshit, but music, man, music is not!<br />

curt: so this record was intended to shock<br />

people quality wise?<br />

ANDy: When we released “let it all hang out”<br />

in 2003 it sold so many copies they wanted to<br />

put us on number 0 in the top ten, because it<br />

was so much bigger than just a number one<br />

hit. We told the press that we don’t care about<br />

what they write and they started to write bad<br />

about us. We still don’t care. I’ll piss on their<br />

graves (beide lachen).<br />

Independent music is here to stay and we have<br />

done more staying then anybody else, you<br />

know! … actually don’t write that.<br />

curt: is it that kind of rebellion that makes you<br />

happy?<br />

JOHN: It’s like Arnold in that movie “Pumping<br />

Iron” when he says, “when the girls see my<br />

muscles, it’s like I’m coming. I’m coming all the<br />

time”. you know, that’s how I feel about music.<br />

curt: the concerts are selling well?<br />

JOHN (etwas in Gedanken): Oh yeah man.<br />

Crazy. Really crazy.<br />

curt: i have to ask you, since i am German:<br />

where does that name “the schwanz” come<br />

from?<br />

ANDy: Oh you’re German? Well, our first gig,<br />

we had hockey sticks instead of microphone<br />

stands and we played at a college party and<br />

when we took a break in-between sets, they<br />

would put on a ghetto blaster. So when we<br />

came back out to play again they wanted to<br />

keep listening to their ghetto blaster pumping<br />

Michael Jackson.<br />

JOHN: It was “beat it…..bababa….just beat it.”<br />

ANDy: John got angry and wanted to fight the<br />

host of the party who said that we sound like<br />

his grandmother (lacht). So we said we should<br />

name ourselves after our grandmothers.<br />

JOHN: Eventually, we took my grandmothers<br />

name. She is German. She was a great woman.<br />

curt: aha. and how come everybody in europe<br />

thinks you guys are from Britain?<br />

ANDy: I guess the haircut. But I had that<br />

haircut when I was nine years old. That was<br />

way before Liam Gallagher decided to hold the<br />

microphone like an old woman.<br />

JOHN: I love that guy.<br />

ANDy: We are St. Marks born and raised.<br />

Robert de Niro grew up one block away from<br />

my house. And whenever …<br />

in diesem Moment steckt ernie rodriguez, der<br />

tour-Manager von „the schwanz” seinen kopf<br />

zur tür rein und will mir zu verstehen geben,<br />

dass meine Zeit leider um ist. andy schmeißt<br />

eine leere Bierdose gegen die tür und schreit:<br />

“fuck you, you fucking tool!”<br />

ANDy (ernst): Sorry, but I think we have to go.<br />

No offense.<br />

ich danke den beiden für ihre Zeit und gehe<br />

mit dem Gefühl, echte indie-luft geatmet<br />

zu haben. die holzplanken des alten hotels<br />

quietschen herrlich, als ich an ernie und zwei<br />

anderen Journalisten vorbei die treppen nach<br />

unten laufe. lässig zünde ich mir auf der<br />

straße eine Zigarette an und stelle fest, dass<br />

meine hand ganz schön nach pisse riecht.<br />

the schwanz werden am 11. november im kölner e-werk und<br />

am 13. november in hamburg in den docks spielen. bis jetzt<br />

sind noch keine termine für süddeutschland geplant.

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