22.08.2013 Aufrufe

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BIGGER,<br />


FASTER<br />

“what are the side effects of taking steroids?”, fragt der regisseur christopher bell seinen<br />

älteren bruder, der mit 37 immer noch wrestlingstar werden will. “your balls shrink, but<br />

who needs them anyways!”, kommt die lockere antwort. “bigger, stronger, faster” war einer<br />

der lichtblicke des diesjährigen münchner filmfestes. eine ebenso harte wie lustige doku über<br />

das thema doping. ich traf chris kurz vor seinem abflug an seiner hotelbar, wo er nach einer<br />

harten nacht ein schönes konterbier trank. TEXT UND FOTO: JAN VOSS<br />

curt: so your movie is half about saying “cheating<br />

is bad“ and half about saying “there’s a<br />

lot of lies about steroids“?<br />

Chris: Well, the movie is an examination<br />

about what people do to win. America is a win<br />

at all costs culture. Steroids are a side effect<br />

of being American. If you do anything what it<br />

takes to win, steroids just plug into that fact.<br />

When you have sports, you need rules. If you<br />

don’t have rules you have lawlessness, right?<br />

If somebody kicks a goal and it doesn’t go in<br />

the goal, but you say “no, no, that was a goal“<br />

then you’re cheating. The way I look at it is<br />

that in sports you need to have rules, but what<br />

about all the people that are not in sports?<br />

What about when you’re not in sports? What<br />

about all the people who are taking steroids<br />

to look better or feel better about themselves?<br />

Is it any better then plastic surgery or botox? I<br />

just wanted to reexamine it.<br />

curt: if people want to do steroids, let them<br />

have them?<br />

Chris: People like to say “it’s bad to use<br />

steroids“ and when I ask them “what is the difference<br />

between steroids and plastic surgery?“<br />

they say “well steroids are dangerous!“ and I<br />

say “well so is plastic surgery“. In the movie we<br />

encounter that steroids aren’t nearly as dangerous<br />

as we thought. It’s basically a synthetic<br />

version of testosterone. It’s a hormone that<br />

you already have in your body. Basically you’re<br />

just putting a little more fuel on the fire. So<br />

many people have demonized steroids.<br />

curt fragt .73 ---------<br />

My brothers were doing it and I was thinking,<br />

are my brothers going to die? So an important<br />

thing for me was to explore it for my family.<br />

I started out making kind of an anti steroid<br />

movie, but it turned into a movie where at the<br />

end you don’t know what to think about it<br />

anymore.<br />

curt: so you intended to make a movie that<br />

would say, steroids are really bad?<br />

Chris: yes. But what most people get out of<br />

the movie is, that even if steroids aren’t that<br />

bad health wise, it’s unhealthy to have that<br />

win-at-all-costs-attitude. Both of my brothers<br />


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