18.01.2013 Aufrufe

JU-I (Amselfeldrede –Izetbegovic –Tudjman) 1. Ich ... - Labournet

JU-I (Amselfeldrede –Izetbegovic –Tudjman) 1. Ich ... - Labournet

JU-I (Amselfeldrede –Izetbegovic –Tudjman) 1. Ich ... - Labournet


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gekehrt, starb Ciliga am 2<strong>1.</strong> Oktober 1992 in Zagreb.<br />

Das also ist Tudjmans zweiter Gewährsmann für das KZ Jasenovac, genauer,<br />

für die Rolle der Juden in dem KZ. Ciliga schrieb etwas über seine Erlebnisse in<br />

Jasenovac im Rahmen seiner publizistischen Tätigkeit im Ustascha-Staat, es ererschien<br />

1944 in Zagreb, was es als seriöse Quelle von vornherein ausschließt.<br />

<strong>Ich</strong> weiß nicht, ob Tudjman sich auf diesen Bericht oder auf etwas Späteres aus<br />

Ciligas Hand beruft, auf jeden Fall findet er bei ihm, was ihm selbst in den antisemitschen<br />

Kram paßt und der Rehabilitierung des Ustascha-Staates dienlich erscheint:<br />

daß die Ustascha-Bewegung eigentlich philosemitisch gewesen, also die<br />

Verfolgung der Juden in Kroatien ihr sozusagen wesensfremd gewesen, durch<br />

Nazideutschland gleichsam aufoktroyiert worden wäre; daß die Juden in Jasenovac<br />

für Massenliquidierungen von Nicht-Juden verantwortlich gewesen wären,<br />

was bei ihnen aber ihrem durch das Alte Testament geformten Charakter entsprochen<br />

hätte; und schließlich auch noch, ohne das das antisemitische Syndrom unvollständig<br />

bliebe: daß die Juden letztlich doch selbst die Schuld für ihre Verfolgung<br />

trügen. Tudjman, mit eingeflochtenen Zitaten referierend:<br />

Although the Jasenovac camp was organized according to German models, … its main "originality"<br />

was precisely in the position and role of the Jews. "In the Jasenovac camp the management<br />

was in the hands of the Jews, that is, they were the internal camp management" … This<br />

system was against the official anti-Semitism of the Pavelic regime as required by Hitler. And<br />

this happened because "in its origins Pavelic's party was philo-Semitic, precisely the Jewish<br />

Party among the Croats", because the Jews were "in Croatia the least important or dangerous<br />

enemy". Because "the enemy number one were the Serbs and the enemy number two were the<br />

Communists" …<br />

The explanation for the Jewish behavior who "jealously kept the monopoly of the management<br />

inside the camp and took the initiative in provoking not only individual but also mass slaughters<br />

of the non-Jews, Communists, partisans and Serbs", was made by Ciliga in view of the<br />

specific features of the Jewish religion and mentality. "The Old Testament hardness and unreasonableness,<br />

Moses' double yardstick, two kinds of regulations on the same matter and act,<br />

according to whether it referred to Jews or non-Jews and finally Moses' Commandments ...:<br />

God orders you to exterminate others and take their place because you are the chosen people",<br />

all these principles in one way or another "govern the whole group" and lead to their ruthless<br />

dominant self-confidence and relentlessness: "You kill others ... to save yourself and your<br />

group". More intelligent and educated on the average than the others "the Jews carried out this<br />

mutual extermination more intelligently and farsightedly to their own benefit". From their<br />

point of view this was "justified and moral". Moses' monotheism and the principle of the chosen<br />

people led to the Jews being at the same time the most "closed" and "most universal" nation<br />

among mankind. Universalism and internationalism is only one of Moses' aspects of Jewish<br />

nationalism. In Jasenovac also "it was not the non-Jews who separated themselves from<br />

the Jews but exactly the opposite, the Jews proclaimed themselves to be a chosen people".<br />

They think that "as a chosen people they could do what others could not do ... imagining that<br />

in this way they were more intelligent than all the others and that they would be able to outwit<br />

all the other peoples in the world". And due to this "Jasenovac - mutatis mutandis is the world<br />

history of Jewry for over two thousand years". The Jews provoke envy and hatred but actually<br />

they are "the unhappiest nation in the world", always victims of "their own and others' ambitions",<br />

and whoever tries to show that they are themselves their own source of tragedy is ranked<br />

among the anti-Semites and the object of hatred of the Jews.<br />

<strong>Ich</strong> habe keine Lust, mich bei dem noch länger aufzuhalten. Es ist auch nicht<br />


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