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The second reason why it is difficult to write about manipulation is that there is a whole<br />

series of false pre-conceptions on the subject. One of these is the conviction, totally unfounded<br />

but one which I have often encountered in my work, that manipulation was invented by<br />

psychologists and that only they have the keys to doors of the secret laboratory with its shelves<br />

full of ready-to-use manipulative techniques. We can find a curious expression of this belief in<br />

the first sentence of a web page about influencing colleagues at work: It's a well-kept secret that<br />

entire science(sic) is devoted to how people are persuaded. 2 Are we really to believe that<br />

biologists, as well as theoretical physicists, astronomers, geographers and many other scientists,<br />

are all exclusively concerned with research into methods of influencing people? Such a<br />

statement is laughable, as there is no attempt to tone it down in the following sentences, and<br />

even after making allowance for the typical American inclination to exaggerate, it contains more<br />

than a hint of conspiracy and immoderation. It is only a short step from there to the conviction<br />

that everything is the result of a plot by freemasons or some other secret organization, at the<br />

expense of the man on the street. That at least is the opinion expressed in a curious book by<br />

Pascal Bernardin, entitled “Machiovelli the Teacher. Manipulation in Education. Reforms or<br />

Plans for Destruction." 3 This book is based on a conspiracy theory, according to which most<br />

psychological research, as well as the activities of organizations such as UNESCO, the United<br />

Nations, the Council of Europe, etc. are all part of one huge manipulation. But while the claims<br />

of Bernardin or of the Rev. Henryk Czepułkowski, who wrote the preface to the book, are<br />

merely curious, astonishing or laughable, as neither of them is a recognized authority on social<br />

psychology, the opinion expressed in the above quotation is much more dangerous, as the<br />

website which it is taken from is, according to its authors, devoted to the scientific aspects of<br />

exercising influence, and refers to the names of several important authorities in the field. The<br />

website goes on to say: In this introduction, we approach the topic of influence from a scientific<br />

viewpoint – you won’t hear us talking about our hunches, fabricating entertaining distinctions,<br />

2 (My italics). See: http://www.influenceatwork.com/index.html.<br />

3 ANTYK Marcin Dybowski Publishers, Komorów 1997.<br />


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