1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com

1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com

1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com


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o BE a good guest is an art. It is a<br />

T skill that involves both mind and heart.<br />

What kjnd of guest are you? When you<br />

take your leave, is your host sorry to see<br />

you go?<br />

Of course, if you are to be a guest you<br />

should want to be a good one. It has been<br />

said that what makes a good guest is personality,<br />

manners and delicacy of feeling.<br />

Such may be true, but more basic and<br />

more likely to be jn the reael] of all is the<br />

requirement of empathy, that is, the ability<br />

to put yourself in the shoes of another,<br />

of your host or hostess in this instance. In<br />

other words, it means letting yourself be<br />

guided by the rule Jesus gave: "Just as<br />

you want men to do to you, do the same<br />

way to them."-Luke 6: 31.<br />

To be a good guest you must, in the first<br />

place, know whether to accept a certain<br />

invitation or not. Some in.ltations it may<br />

not be wise to accept: "Do .1Ot feed yourself<br />

with the food of anyone of ungenerous<br />

eye, nor show yourself craving his tasty<br />

dishes. For as one that has calculated within<br />

his soul, so he is. 'Eat and drink,' he<br />

says to you, but his heart itself is not with<br />

you. Your morsel that you have eaten, you<br />

will vomit it out, and you will have wasted<br />

20<br />

your pleasant words," your <strong>com</strong>pliments<br />

for his hospitalitY.-Prov. 23:6-8.<br />

Even where the invitation is such that<br />

you would like to accept it, it often is well<br />

to express a measure of reluctance, or at<br />

least not too great a readiness to accept<br />

the invitation, In this way the sincerity<br />

and strength of the invitation can be made<br />

to appear, Thus, in the instance of Jesus<br />

and his two disciples on the way to Emmaus<br />

on the morning of his resurrection,<br />

we read that "he made as if he was journeying<br />

on farther." This caused them to<br />

use "pressure upon him, saying: 'Stay<br />

with us, because it is toward evening and<br />

the day has already declined.' " The same<br />

tactic is implied in regard to an inVitation<br />

that Paul and his associates received to<br />

be the guests of Lydia, a recent convert to<br />

Christianity, for Luke tells us that "she<br />

just made us <strong>com</strong>e."-Luke 24:28, 29; Acts<br />

16:15.<br />

However, should the would-be host be a<br />

diffident person or one of humble circumstances,<br />

any undue reluctance on yOur part<br />

mjght discourage him and so jt would be<br />

better to answer such a one with an expansive,<br />

"Why, I'd be glad to <strong>com</strong>e!" In<br />

fact. under certain circumstances it may<br />


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