1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com

1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com

1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com


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IONEST-HEARTED persons are dismayed by the world's<br />

moral breakdown. They long for righteousness instead<br />

of wickedness. How encouraging it is, then, to have<br />

learned what God's remedy is: the destruction of<br />

wickedness in our day and the ushering in of the righteous<br />

rule of His kingdom over a paradise earth!<br />

Are you among those who are disgusted with the prevalence<br />

of immorality? Do you, too, long for righteous conditions?<br />

Do you want to live forever in God's new order,<br />

free from all wickedness? If so, you will be keenly interested<br />

in knowing what God's standards of morality are.<br />

However, knowing what God's standards are is not<br />

enough by itself. They must be adhered to now if you<br />

want to please God and <strong>com</strong>e in line for his blessings.<br />

A housewife can know about cooking from a cookbook,<br />

but if she never puts this knowledge to work, she could<br />

hardly call herself a cook. The same principle applies in<br />

pleasing God. Knowledge of his standards is vital, it is<br />

true, but those standards must be put to use in your daily<br />

living. Jesus showed action was needed when he stated:<br />

"He that exercises faith in me, that one also will do the<br />

works that I do .... If you love me, you will observe my<br />

<strong>com</strong>mandments."-John 14:12, 15.<br />

This is where the real test <strong>com</strong>es. Will you deplore Wlrighteousness,<br />

yet not bring your own course of life into<br />

harmony with God's standards? Will you just talk about<br />

what is right or will you live it? You have God's written<br />

Word as the sOWld guide for your moral integrity. It<br />

enables you to know for a certainty what is right and<br />

what is wrong. It clearly tells you what you must do to<br />

receive God's favor. But when you learn these truths,<br />

will you perform them?<br />

Do not be like one group of people mentioned in the<br />

28<br />

Bible. Yes, they took in knowledge, but that is all<br />

they did! Note what the Word of God says of these<br />

persons: "They will ... sit before you as my people;<br />

and they will certainly hear your words but these<br />

they will not do, for with their mouth they are ex­<br />

pressing lustful desires and after their unjust gain<br />

is where their heart is go­<br />

teonsness<br />

ing. And, look! you are to<br />

them like a song of sensuous<br />

loves, like one with a<br />

pretty voice and playing a<br />

stringed instrument well.<br />

And they will certainly<br />

hear your words, but there<br />

are none doing them."<br />

(Ezek. 33:31, 32) No, do<br />

not be like those people. Do<br />

not learn what is bad but<br />

then refuse to do what is<br />

good. Prove your love of<br />

righteousness by learning<br />

what is right and then by<br />

doing it.<br />

Take a lesson from a man<br />

spoken of favorably in the<br />

Bible, the patriarch Noah.<br />

When Jesus Christ foretold<br />

our critical times and<br />

showed they would mark<br />

"the time of the end," he<br />

said we should learn a lesson<br />

from a similar time in<br />

world history, the time in<br />

which Noah lived. (Matt.<br />

24:37) Of Noah's days the<br />

Bible says: "The badness of<br />

man was abWldant in the<br />

earth and every inclination<br />

of the thoughts of his heart<br />

was only bad all the time.<br />

. . . and the earth became<br />

filled with violence." (Gen.<br />

6:5, 11) As a result, God<br />

decreed that world's destruction.<br />

But what of Noah<br />

and his family? The Bible<br />


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