1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com

1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com

1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com


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that it was not just the Word of God being<br />

used, but that Paul was actually teaching<br />

the truth as set forth in that Word. It is<br />

vital that you follow this same noble example<br />

of the Beroeans. Why so? Because<br />

there is the possibility that the one who<br />

may speak to you from the Bible will twist<br />

the Scriptures, applying them in such a<br />

way as to propagate false ideas.<br />

An outstanding example, to show that<br />

what a person says cannot always be accepted<br />

merely because he quotes from the<br />

Bible, is found in the account in Matthew<br />

chapter four. There it says: "Then the<br />

Devil took lJesus] along into the holy city,<br />

and he stationed him upon the battlement<br />

of the temple and said to him: 'If you are<br />

a son of God, hurl yourself down; for it is<br />

written [in the Bible at Psalm 91:11, 12],<br />

"He will give his angels a charge concerning<br />

you, and they will carry you on their<br />

hands, that you may at no time strike your<br />

foot against a stone.'" "-Matt. 4:5, 6.<br />

Now, what did Jesus dowhenSatan quoted<br />

the scripture from Psalm 91:11, 12 and<br />

tried to induce Jesus to <strong>com</strong>mit suicide by<br />

hurling himself from the battlement of the<br />

temple? Did he reason: 'Well, that is the<br />

Word of God and so it is proper that I<br />

should pay attention to what Satan says<br />

and follow this teaching'? By no means!<br />

He realized that the Devil's knowing and<br />

quoting the Scriptures did not make his<br />

teaching right. Scriptures can he misused,<br />

and Jesus showed that this is what Satan<br />

was doing when he answered: "Again it is<br />

written, 'You must not put Jehovah your<br />

God to the test.' "-Matt. 4:7.<br />

Therefore, it should not surprise us that<br />

even today there are false teachers who,<br />

like Satan the Devil, twist the Scriptures.<br />

"Satan himself keeps transforming himself<br />

into an angel of light," the apostle Paul<br />

observed, and "it is therefore nothing great<br />

if his ministers also keep transforming<br />

themselves into ministers of righteous-<br />

6<br />

ness." And the apostle Peter noted that in<br />

the inspired Greek Scriptures there "are<br />

some things hard to understand, which<br />

the untaught and unsteady are twisting, as<br />

they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to<br />

their own destruction." Yes, the penalty<br />

for those who misapply and twist the Scriptures<br />

is death.-2 Cor. 11:13-15; 2 Pet.<br />

3:16.<br />

Due to the terrible consequences of misusing<br />

the Scriptures, there is every need<br />

to be alert and to test to make sure that<br />

what you are being taught is the truth of<br />

God's Word. The apostle John impresses<br />

this responsibility upon truth seekers in<br />

his warning: "Beloved ones, do not believe<br />

every inspired expression, but test the inspired<br />

expressions to see \vhether they<br />

originate with God, because many false<br />

prophets h:lVe gone forth into the world."<br />

-1 John 4:1.<br />

Not All Religion Is Good<br />

So it is apparent that one's being<br />

brought up in a particular religion and<br />

reading the Bible regularly does not in<br />

itself make his \vorship pleasing to God.<br />

Many in the first century belonged to Judaism,<br />

and Scripture reading was their<br />

habit. The apostle Paul noted that, in the<br />

synagogues, the Bible was "read aloud<br />

every Sabbath." And on one occasion Jesus<br />

Christ told some Jews: "You are searching<br />

the Scriptures, because you think that by<br />

means of them you will have everlasting<br />

life." Yet, despite their regular Bible reading,<br />

those Jews opposed the ministry of<br />

Jesus and the apostles and fought fiercely<br />

to stop them from preaching Scriptural<br />

truths to the peopJe.-Acts 13:27; John<br />

5:39.<br />

But why did those Bible-reading Jews<br />

oppose the truth? Why were their beliefs<br />

out of harmony with God and his Son?<br />

Jesus explained when he said to them:<br />

"You have made the word of God invalid<br />


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