1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com

1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com

1964 Awake! - Theocratic Collector.com


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Some ponder little;<br />

others, much too long.<br />

MANY long years have passed since<br />

English poet George Herbert cautioned<br />

that one should never advise another<br />

'to marry or to go to war.' Was the poet<br />

thinking of the possibility of fatal consequences<br />

in these two ventures? If so, he<br />

was not far wrong, for the out<strong>com</strong>e of an<br />

ill-advised marriage may prove quite as<br />

disastrous for one as the effects of war.<br />

No wonder many serious-minded men and<br />

women ponder at length before deciding<br />

whether to wed or not to wed.<br />

Aside from the sensible viewpoint of being<br />

judicious in the choice of a suitable<br />

mate, there are other factors that cause<br />

young marriageable people to stop and<br />

weigh matters seriously before deciding to<br />

wed. There are those who, approaching the<br />

age when most young people face thj9<br />

question, have previously determil1f'd to<br />

dedicate their lives in the pursuit of some<br />

endeavor where marriage may be an encumbrance.<br />

Yotmg Christian ministers, for<br />

instance, may recall the words of the apostle<br />

Paul, who said: "He also that gives his<br />

virginity in marriage does well, but he that<br />

SEPTEMBER $$, <strong>1964</strong><br />

does nOt give it in marriage will<br />

do beUer." But Paul does not<br />

leave his reader facing the<br />

question as a dilemina. He explains<br />

himself. A thorough<br />

reading of the portion<br />

of the Bible<br />

where his words appear<br />

reveals that<br />

the thought the<br />

apostle had in<br />

mind was the<br />

maintaining of<br />

one's freedom,<br />

physical and<br />

mental, so as<br />

to have a fuller<br />

share in Christian<br />

activities.<br />

An unmarried person who has such a goal<br />

in life and who can keep himself free from<br />

constantly distracting thoughts concerning<br />

marriage does well to hold on to his single<br />

state. But the single man whose thoughts<br />

dwell on seeking <strong>com</strong>panionship with the<br />

opposite sex is not "settled in his heart,"<br />

as Paul says. So, "Let them marry."<br />

-1 Cor. 7:36-38.<br />

Another Side of the Question<br />

However, it is not only single persons<br />

who have to face up to this question of<br />

marriage. Around the earth there are milliohs<br />

of ostensibly "married" persons who<br />

are not married at all. They have merely<br />

<strong>com</strong>e together by mutual consent and live<br />

as if married, but without the benefit of<br />

any legal ceremony to establish their relationship.<br />

Many' of -these people have lived<br />

this way for years and tens of years, have<br />

raised their families and appear to enjoy<br />

recognition and acceptance in the <strong>com</strong>munity,<br />

yet they are still pondering the question,<br />

"To wed or not to we(l.?" Regardless<br />

of the <strong>com</strong>munity's closing its eyes to this<br />

practice, those who find themselves in such<br />


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