Bilingual version Quenya - English - Ambar Eldaron

Bilingual version Quenya - English - Ambar Eldaron

Bilingual version Quenya - English - Ambar Eldaron


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Boromir: Tanomë amarien epë, heri. Istan tienya mi, ve híni sinë avar.<br />

In that place I have dwelt before, lady. I know my way within, as these<br />

children do not.<br />

Laurendil: Ar man estalyë “híni” sinomë?<br />

And who do you call “children” here?<br />

Vandiel: Ná, man?<br />

Yes, who?<br />

Ëarwen: Ánin apsenë, heru. Lá selyan le ehta*. An ni, te annessa.<br />

Forgive me, lord. I did not intend to insult you. For me, they are very young.<br />

Laurendil: Sivë elyë nin, yeldë Ëarnuro.<br />

As are even you to me, daughter of Ëarnur.<br />

Vandiel: Lá me híni, a sana ya sanuval.<br />

Nor are we children, think what you will.<br />

Laurendil: Laumë, var lá sinomë nauvaccë.<br />

Indeed not, or you would not be here.<br />

Ëarwen: Tan sanda, Vandiel. Mauya ácen apsenë i enwinë, an ú-enyalam lilúmi*<br />

manen tenya ëala nessa.<br />

That is true, Vandiel. You must forgive those who are old in years, for we<br />

often forget how it feels being young.<br />

Valandil: Sië elmë selyainë? Lelyuvam sina mindonna ar rúnuvam Fiondil silómë.<br />

Then we are decided? We will go to this tower and we will free Fiondil<br />

tonight.<br />

Ercassë: Ná. Silómë hannonya nauva rúnaina. Nai tiruvantem ar varyuvantem iValar.<br />

Yes. Tonight my brother will be freed. May the Valar guard and protect us.<br />

Vocabulary:<br />

alacénala: lit. “unseeing”<br />

quettalon etyaiva: lit. “from the words of others”<br />

ehta-: “to insult”, cf. Sindarin eitha-: “to mock, to scorn”<br />

lilúmi: li- (multiplicative prefix) + lúmi: pl of lúmë: lit. “many times”<br />


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