Bilingual version Quenya - English - Ambar Eldaron

Bilingual version Quenya - English - Ambar Eldaron

Bilingual version Quenya - English - Ambar Eldaron


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7: iMetta Harë Ná<br />

(The End Is Near)<br />

An canta lómi lelyantë, hautala áranna lorien, rúcala roitië, mal lá tulis. Lá cenintë<br />

mastor ar matintë er yávi ar piuccar, an lá haryar quingar ar pilindi i roimen.<br />

Métimavë, arinya i lempëa auressë, tullentë harë i nandar i etsiressë iSirilo. Halatiri ar<br />

maiwi te suilantar. [For four nights they travel, stopping at dawn to sleep, fearing pursuit,<br />

but it does not come. They see no villages and eat only fruits and berries, for they have no<br />

bows and arrows for the hunt. Finally, early on the fifth day, they come near to the watermeads<br />

at the mouth of the Siril. Kingfishers and gulls greet them.]<br />

Laurendil: Analelyëam Nindamos ya cé lár sinomello.<br />

We are approaching Nindamos which is perhaps a league from here.<br />

Valandil: Cé erya lelyuvan i mastonna ar mancuvan yan mauya men ar hlaruvan<br />

sinyarin.<br />

Perhaps I should go into the village alone and trade for what we need and<br />

listen for news.<br />

Laurendil: Á vanta moica. Lá istam ya amartië i nóressë.<br />

Walk softly. We do not know what has happened in the land.<br />

Valandil: Entuluvan andúnessë.<br />

I will return by sunset.<br />

Fiondil: Iquista, á entulë as ma ya polin colë.<br />

Please, return with something that I can wear.<br />

Vandiel: Ar sananen senet vëa cólala er collo.<br />

And I thought you looked manly wearing only a cloak.<br />

iEtyë lalar. Fiondil carnë antassë quettarenen Vandielo, mal yando lalas. Ve Valandil<br />

auta, Laurendil, Fiondil ar i wendi hirir nómë yassë polintë nurta imíca i lisci ar fengi<br />

nandaron. iAurë quildë hequ’ an i yellor maiwion. Lorintë tenna taranar, san lartar<br />

entulië Valandilo. [The others laugh. Fiondil is red in the face at Vandiel’s words, but he<br />

laughs as well. As Valandil leaves, Laurendil, Fiondil and the maidens find a place where<br />

they can hide among the sedges and reeds of the water-meads. The day is quiet except for the<br />

cries of the gulls. They sleep until noon, then await the return of Valandil.]<br />

Ercassë: Merin apsan. Lá haryan alassë yávin ar piuccain.<br />

I wish for cooked meat. I have no joy for fruits and berries.<br />

Vandiel: Ar poicë hampi* hroanyas!<br />

And clean clothes next to my body!<br />

Laurendil: Selyal, lá haryal alassë yuriën ar nurtien cuileyain ar matien er i yávi i nórëo?<br />

Lorien ily’ aurë ar vantien ilya lómë? iYeldi Atanion nar milyë lá sanienya.<br />

You mean, you do not have joy for running and hiding for your lives and<br />


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