Edward Lipinski's "El's Abode: Mythological Traditions Related to ...

Edward Lipinski's "El's Abode: Mythological Traditions Related to ...

Edward Lipinski's "El's Abode: Mythological Traditions Related to ...


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26 E. LIPI&SKI<br />

tees of international treaties 58. Also in the lipsur litanies, the Hermon-<br />

Sirara is mentioned <strong>to</strong>gether with the Lebanon as a sacred mountain :<br />

KUR Si-ra-ra (var. [Si-r]a-a) lipsur (MIN) KUE e-re-ni<br />

KUR Lab-na-na lipsur (MIN) KUR GlS.SUR.MAN =9.<br />

« May Mount Sirara absolve, the cedar mountain.<br />

May Mount Lebanon absolve, the cypress mountain»60.<br />

In Ps. 89, 13, Tabor and Hermon are personified. Now, Mount<br />

Tabor was most likely an old place of worship, as is generally admitted<br />

in consideration of Deut. 33,18-19 and Hos. 5,161, and it was still<br />

considered as a holy place in the beginning of our era 62, It may reasonably<br />

be inferred therefore that also Mount Hermon was a sacred<br />

mountain.<br />

In fact, Eusebius of Caesarea testifies of its holiness in his Onomasiicon<br />

: ®aalv Be els ert vvv ^Aepp<strong>to</strong>v opos ovopd^eaOai KO! (Ls iepov<br />

ripaa9ai VTTQ T&V eOv<strong>to</strong>v, «and they say that it is called until<br />

58 Cf. A. GUSTAVS, Die syrischen Berge Sd-ri-ja-na und Bi-i-sd-i-M in den Boghazkoi-<br />

Texten, in Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche Wissensckaft, 42, 1924, p. 154-155; E. DHOB-<br />

MB, Les Amorrheens, in Eecueil lUdauard Dhorme, Paris, 1951, p. 138-139 and 141.<br />

59 E. REINER, art. cit., in JNES, 15., 1956, p. 132, lines 8-9, and p. 133, n. 8.<br />

60 Identical equations appear also in the lexical series HAB-ra = hubullu, tabl. XXII,<br />

6'-7', with the spellings KUR Si-ra-a or Si-ra-a-ra and KUR La-ab-net-nu or La-ab-na-na.<br />

Cf. E. REINER, art. cit., p. 146 and 147, n. 1 and 2.<br />

61 Cf. E. MEYER, Die Israeliten und ihre Nachbarstamme, Halle, 1906, p. 538; J. BOEH-<br />

MER, Tabor, Herman und andere Hauptberge, in ArcMv fiir BeUgionswissenschaft, 12,<br />

1909, p. 313-321; A. ALT, Eine galilaiscJte Ortsliste in Jos 19., in Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche<br />

Wissenschaft, 45, 1927, p. 59-81 (see p. 75); H.-W. HERTZBERG, Die<br />

Melkisedeq-Trctditionen, in Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society, 8, 1928, p. 168-179,<br />

reprinted in H.-W. HERTZBERG, Beitrage zttr <strong>Traditions</strong>geschichte und Theologie des<br />

Alten Testaments, Gottingen, 1962, p. 36-44; J. BOSHMER, Der Name Tabor, in Zeitschrift<br />

fur Semitistik, 7, 1929, p. 161-169 (esp. p. 163); O. EISSEELDT, Der Oott des Tabor<br />

und seine Verbreitung, in Archivfiir Beligionswissenschaft, 31, 1934, p. 14-41 (esp. p. 14-<br />

15), reprinted in O. EISSFELDT, Kleine Schriften, II, Tiibingen, 1963, p. 29-54 (esp.<br />

p. 29-30); J. LEWY, Tabor, Tibar, Atabyros, in Hebrew Union Cottege Annual, 23/1,<br />

1950-1951, p. 357-386 (esp. p. 357).<br />

62 This is shown by the fact that the Christian tradition located there the exaltation<br />

of Jesus after his temptations in the desert and also his Transfiguration. Origenes quotes<br />

twice a passage from the Gospel according <strong>to</strong> the Hebrews, from the end of the first<br />

century A.D., where Jesus, after Ms temptations, is said <strong>to</strong> have been transferred by<br />

the Holy Ghost el? TO opos TO peya ©afiiap. Cf. M.-J. LAGRAWGE, USvangile selon les<br />

Hebreux, in Revue Biblique, 31, 1922, p. 161-181, 321-349 (see p. 172-173, cf. p. 331,<br />

where the passage is further commented). From the fourth century on, the Patristic<br />

tradition locates on Mount Tabor also the Transfiguration of Jesus. Cf. F.-M. ABEL,<br />

Oeagraphie de la Palestine, I, p. 355.<br />

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t<br />


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