Edward Lipinski's "El's Abode: Mythological Traditions Related to ...

Edward Lipinski's "El's Abode: Mythological Traditions Related to ...

Edward Lipinski's "El's Abode: Mythological Traditions Related to ...


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60 E. LIPINSKI<br />

since it does not affect the conclusion that there existed deified mountains<br />

in Canaanite mythology.<br />

The problem is now how <strong>to</strong> explain the name 'il spn. It clearly<br />

appears from OTA 3 (V AB), III, 26 and 63 233 that 'il spn cannot<br />

be in RS. 24.245, line 2, a title of Ba'al, as Ch. Virolleaud has suggested<br />

234. Judging from parallel expressions as 'il M 235 or 'ilht ktrt 2S«,<br />

one might conclude that 'il is here an appellative rather than a proper<br />

name 237. In consequence, 'il spn would be « the god of Sapan » or « the<br />

god Sapan >>, But <strong>to</strong> answer the question with more accuracy, it is<br />

necessary <strong>to</strong> know the meaning of the word spn. Its Hebrew use in the<br />

sense of « north » is certainly a secondary one "238. Since Mount Sapan<br />

was the northern border of Canaan, its name has been used <strong>to</strong> designate<br />

the north, just as Negeb signified the south and yam,, « sea », the west.<br />

The Hebrew vocalization sap on or sepon 239 seems <strong>to</strong> indicate that<br />

is indeed a transcription of the Aramaic berdt and corresponds <strong>to</strong> the Hebrew<br />

bero§ and the Akkadian burasu, all designating trees of the Juniperus family, Cf. I. Low,<br />

Die Flora der Juden, III, Wien, 1924, p. 15 and 33 -36 ; M. ZOHAEY, art. beros, in Encyclopaedia<br />

Biblica (in Hebrew), II, Jerusalem, 19.54, p. 339-341 ; The Assyrian Dictionary<br />

of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2, B, Gliickstadt-Chicago, 1965,<br />

p. 328; W. YON SODEN, Ak&adisches Handworterbuch, I, p. 1396. PBDAOTTTS DIOSCOEEBES,<br />

De Materia Medico,, I, 76 BV, writes : fipdfiv • at Se fioparav, 'Pcapaioi ipfia. Eafiiva<br />

(M. WEULMAWW, Pedanii Dioscuridis Anazarbei De Materia Medica, 2nd ed., vol. I,<br />

Berlin, 1958, p. 75). The same correspondence is established by PLESY, Natural His<strong>to</strong>ry,<br />

XXIV, 61, § 102, who says that the « savin is called brctihy by the Greeks ». According <strong>to</strong><br />

him it grows in Elam : « Consequently they send <strong>to</strong> the Elymaei for the wood of the<br />

bratus, a tree resembling a spreading cypress, with very white branches, and giving an<br />

agreable scent when burnt » (Natural His<strong>to</strong>ry, XII, 39, § 78. Translation of H. BACK-<br />

HAM, Pliny : Natural His<strong>to</strong>ry [The Loeb Classical Library], IY, London, 1945, p. 59).<br />

But the tree also grew on the Amanus and Lebanon ranges ; cf. A. MALAMAT, Campaigns<br />

<strong>to</strong> the Mediterranean by laJtdunlim and Other Early Mesopotamian Rulers, in Studies in<br />

Honor of Benno Landsberger (Assyriological Studies, 16), Chicago, 1965, p. 365-373<br />

(see p. 368-369) ; Sh.M. PAUL, Deutero-Isaiah and Cuneiform Royal Inscriptions, in<br />

JAQS, 88/1, 1968 = Essays in Memory of E.A. Speiser (AQS, 53), New Haven, 1968,<br />

p. 180-186 (see p. 183).<br />

233 UT cnt in,26 and 63.<br />

234 Ch. VIBOU/BATTD, in Ugaritica V, p. 558.<br />

235 CTA 10 (iv AB), m,9 ; 12 (BH), i,41 ; n,6 and 23 ; UT 75, 1,41 ; n,6 and 23 ; 76, m,9.<br />

2se CTA 24 (NK),11 and 40; UT 77,11 and 40.<br />

237 As against U. GLDESTBUBG, The Conflict between El and Baal in Canaanite Religion,<br />

p. 104-106.<br />

238 p. GEELOT, art. tit., in Revue Biblique, 65, 1958, p. 37 (cf. p. 62, n. 2), seems <strong>to</strong><br />

consider « north » as the original meaning of sdpon and <strong>to</strong> regard its identification with<br />

Gebel el-Aqrac as secondary and mythological.<br />

238 The vocalisation sepon in Ba"al-sepon (Ex. 14,2 and 9 ; Numb. 33,7) is already<br />

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