Edward Lipinski's "El's Abode: Mythological Traditions Related to ...

Edward Lipinski's "El's Abode: Mythological Traditions Related to ...

Edward Lipinski's "El's Abode: Mythological Traditions Related to ...


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• 32 1. LIPI&SKI<br />

confused with, o in some Jewish scripts of the second and first century<br />

B.C. S7. This place is identical with the older 'Abel-bet-ma' oka., as<br />

shown by a comparison between I Kings 15,20 and II Chron. 16,4,<br />

It is simply called 'Abel in II Sam. 20,18, and this name is still keptin<br />

the one of Tell Abil, situated just south of Metuila, the modern<br />

frontier village of Israel 8S. In the vicinity of 'Abel the Hule valley'<br />

descends quite suddenly, and one of the smaller sources of the Jordan*<br />

which passes near 'Abel, leaps over this step in a gushing waterfall 88.<br />

The south-eastern slopes of Mount Lebanon end west of 'Abel, at the<br />

brink of the River . Litani ; east of 'Abel emerges the snow-covered<br />

Mount Hermon. It is called ZeviariX in the Greek text of I Enoch 13,9,<br />

. . . . . .<br />

and Seniser in the Ethiopic version. The original name was obviously<br />

Semr, found in Deut. 3,9; Ez. 27,5; I Chron. 5,35; Cant. 4,8 90. This<br />

was thus the place where the heavenly beings gathered weeping.<br />

since 'abel means « mourning ». But, independently of this folk etyniology?<br />

their weeping reflects probably a ritual practice, just as their<br />

oath on the summit of Mount Hermon does. The Babylonian Talmud<br />

- */<br />

locates in fact Micah's idol of Judg. 17-18 in a place called Bekl,<br />

« weeping », which is likely <strong>to</strong> be in the neighbourhood of Dan91.<br />

The full name of that place was probably cSn BeHd, « Source of Weeping»,<br />

which would be the smaller source of the Jordan near 'Abelmayim.<br />

The Talmud mentions actually the «yarid of 'fin Beki»,<br />

which was probably at the origin of the gathering of the heavenly<br />

beings at 'Abel-mayim 923 where Enoch came <strong>to</strong> reprimand them in<br />

God's name.<br />

87 Cf. J.T. MiLiK, Le Testament de L&oi en arameen. fragment de la grotte 4 de Qumran,<br />

in Revue Biblique, 62, 1955, p. 398-406 with pi. iv (see p. 404 with n. 3).<br />

88 Of. ibid., p. 403.<br />

89 Cf. G. DALMAW, Abel Beth Maacha, in Palastinajakrbuch, 10, 1914, p. 45-46.<br />

90 See above, p. 17, n. 22.<br />

91 Talmud of Babylon, Pesahim, 117. M. OPPENHEIM, in Hamagid, 1867, p. 29,<br />

had suggested <strong>to</strong> identify BeM with Baalbek.<br />

92 Talmud of Babylon, *Aboda zara, 11 b : ywrld se-be*£n beM. A. NBUBAUBE, L&,<br />

Oeographie du Talmud, p. 298, and I. L&YY, art. cit., in R$J, 43, 1901, p. 194, identify<br />

fchis place with Baalbek and consider its name as a variant of ba'al beki, found in the<br />

Mishnah, Maai&fot, Y, 8. But the Sum baal beJd, mentioned there, is rather the « weepinggarlic<br />

», i.e., so strong that it makes the eyes water. Cf. H. DAKBY, The Mishnah, London,<br />

1933, p. 73, n. 3. In fact, when the Midrash Rabba <strong>to</strong> Qohelet 5,8 mentions later «the wine<br />

of Baalbek », yyn Blbqy, the name of the city is written Blbq. The full name was perhaps<br />

Ba^l-beq'a.<br />

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