september - october - Fort Sill

september - october - Fort Sill

september - october - Fort Sill


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There is a certain melancholy in such a spot. There is, as well, a certain<br />

inspiration.<br />

Only the guns and the mountains remained the same. To the guns came<br />

new servitors, young men and young mules, to serve them with the same<br />

devotion. For guns are like monarchs who speak with the loud voice of<br />

authority. In all things must they be served and waited upon. They must be<br />

handled delicately and fully fed and escorted to the throne whence they are<br />

to utter words of thunder.<br />

The mules served the guns faithfully and patiently. They were<br />

affectionately called "jugheads" by the men, who groomed them and<br />

cursed them and swore by them. No one knows why mules breed<br />

profanity among the men who live with them. It may be because the mule<br />

is a realist while the men are swayed by emotions which, to the mule, are<br />

of little account. Nature has so made him that he can have no pride of<br />

ancestry and no hope of posterity. He can afford, therefore, to ignore<br />

most of the vanities of this world. He occupies a position of extreme<br />

independence. This grates upon the temperament of man, who abhors<br />

independence in any but himself. When one reflects that, in addition, the<br />

mule enjoys extreme sagacity together with a healthy sense of his own<br />

dignity, it is easy to realize the degree to which he exasperates a master<br />

who often possesses neither.<br />

The mule has followed the frontier. More, he has carried the frontier on<br />

his back. In the company of white men, yellow, brown and black, he has<br />

cocked his ears at unknown trails and virgin wilderness in every corner of<br />

the globe. His invariable reward has been profanity and scorn. To this he<br />

remains indifferent. He continues the march.<br />

The men were brown and earnest. There was an habitual gravity and<br />

dignity about them. They came of a race which for generations had been<br />

forbidden to bear arms. Therefore, they said to themselves, there is the<br />

more reason that we prove ourselves fit soldiers. They had become more<br />

than soldiers. They were men at arms, devotees of the profession of arms, a<br />

profession which retains all of its ancient nobility wherever it is honestly<br />

pursued. The simplicity of their thoughts was untouched by the clever<br />

babble of cynical paragraphers. They focussed their attention upon the facts<br />

of life, indifferent to the tinsel and baubles of a gaudy civilization. Some<br />

had fought under Aguinaldo, a few had served under the scarlet and gold of<br />

Spain. All were soldiers.<br />

These guns and mules and men, put together, made what is called<br />

pack artillery. One may search in vain for something like it. Other<br />

people, going from one place to another, follow the roads. The pack<br />

artillery goes direct. Mountains, declivities, rivers are<br />


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