Briathrachas Gràmair

Briathrachas Gràmair

Briathrachas Gràmair


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Ainmearan boireann (feminine nouns):<br />

Copyright R. MacLean<br />

làmh fòn làimhe a mobile (hand) phone<br />

caileag leabhar caileige a girl’s book<br />

eaglais mullach eaglaise a church’s roof<br />

sgoil maighstir sgoile a schoolmaster<br />

Buidheann 2: air an cruthachadh le caolachadh “neo-àbhaisteach”:<br />

(Group 2: genitives formed by non-standard slenderisation):<br />

ea gu i:<br />

ceann coltas cinn appearance of a head<br />

fear aodach fir a man’s clothes<br />

o is a gu ui:<br />

bòrd cas bùird leg of a table<br />

allt bruach uillt bank of a stream<br />

falt dath fuilt colour of hair<br />

cnoc mullach cnuic top of a hill<br />

eo gu iui:<br />

eu gu eoi:<br />

ceòl luchd-ciùil musicians<br />

beul coltas beòil appearance of a mouth<br />

feur dath feòir colour of grass<br />

ia gu ei no i:<br />

fiadh ceann fèidh head of a deer<br />

sgian faobhar sgeine cutting edge of a knife<br />

biadh taigh bìdh restaurant<br />

grian solas grèine sunlight<br />

iasg ceann èisg a fish’s head<br />

Buidheann 3: air an cruthachadh le “a” aig an deireadh:<br />

(Group 3: genitives formed by adding a terminal “a”):<br />

Tha seo a’ tachairt le corra fhacal fireann agus boireann (this occurs in a few masculine and<br />

feminine nouns):<br />

pìob ceòl pìoba bagpipe music<br />

loch bruach locha bank of a loch<br />

fuil dòrtadh-fala bloodshed<br />

muir muc-mhara whale (“sea-pig”)

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