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J A N U A R Y , i J<br />

thro' disagreement about the manner oS barrack door upon the main ditch, and<br />

execution ; their final resolution, he bursting providentially did no damage,<br />

added, was to divide their army into though the place was crouded with<br />

three columns, that if one were de- men wromen and children. We had<br />

stroyed by our mines, they might make otherwise on this day one oS Lord<br />

a Sresh attack in the lame place by an- Effingham's killed, and two oS CoL<br />

other column. They added, that up- Riche's wounded.<br />

wards of four hundred had been killed WedneSdav 26. A brisk and conin<br />

the camp, as many wounded, and tinual firing was kept up on both fides,<br />

a great number sick oS various diSor- when there Sell a greater number of the<br />

ders. The night coming on, the ri- enemy's shells into the castle Square<br />

gour of war feemed to slacken a little, than had done Sor the four preceding<br />

by a flow firing on both fides, till a- days. At night one man was woundbout<br />

midnight, when one of our shells ed at the works, and another by our<br />

Sailing into a carpenter's yard, and own centinel, thro' the following missetting<br />

a parcel of timber on fire, the take: The captain oS the Marlborough<br />

enemy attempted to extinguish the guard having Sent a corporal with Sour<br />

flame, which the garrison beholding, men to patrole upon the Outfide of<br />

Snatched the occafion, and fired with the pallisadoes on their return, tho<br />

great eagerneSs the rest of the night, centinel not knowing of the detachwhen<br />

only one man of Col. hiche's ment, fired upon them as enemies,<br />

Beg. was wounded. and wounded this unhappy friend in<br />

Saturday 22. We heard great re- the thigh.<br />

joicings in the French camp, upon Thursday 27. A shell Srom tho<br />

account of a victory, as we afterwards enemy unhappily coming down achimlearned,<br />

which the French admiral ney in the artillery barrack, and burstpretended<br />

he had obtained over the ing, destroyed every thing in tho<br />

British fleet We bad a sailor killed house except the people. During the<br />

on the castle by a Splinter of a shell, night, the garrison kept a very brisk,<br />

and five men wounded. Two women and the enemy a very flow fire. We<br />

were also wounded in the castle by had the good fortune to have nonce<br />

Splinters of a shell. either killed or wounded for 24 hours-<br />

Sunday 23. A shell Srom the ene- Friday 28. The Serjeant major of<br />

my falling at the door of our oil maga- the artillerydied of his wounds, and<br />

aine, rolled down the steps and burst, one man was bruised at nigbt by the<br />

without doing any other damage than Sall oS Some stones as he was at work.<br />

dealing a cask oS oil. This day but nothing more remarkable baptwo<br />

osour wounded expired, and one pened this day.<br />

os Colonel Cornwall's was wound- Saturday 29. The enemy's fleet<br />

ed- bore towards the harbour, when two<br />

Monday 24 One oS our Sufileers oS them coming, as we imagined,<br />

was wounded by the splinter oS a shell. within reach oS our gnns, the -cap-<br />

1 owards night both fides fired but tain os the Anstruther guard ordered<br />

rery Slowly, the enemy not throwing two 32 pounders to he fired at them.<br />

above twenty shellst and no great shot on which they tacked and stand to Sea.<br />

This was the only time we fired at<br />

1 ueSday 25. A very brisk fire be- their fleet. The enemy continued a<br />

^n on both Sides, which continued till flow, and the gartiSon a brisk fire,<br />

rnon, the11 Slackened till about Sour, which dismounted two oS their guns<br />

^ hen hotb sidc^ began ^ith incredi- at the Windmill battery, and one of<br />

c Sury During this incessant firing, our shells alfo blew up a Small maga-<br />

^e oS the enemy's shell leu into a zine. One of their shells falling into<br />


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