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^r J A N U A F Y,<br />

be also thought i: would grow but.. .is they did not oblerve to sow the<br />

then, said he, l have known it to white Lammas wheat earliest, because<br />

die afterwards. I asked him how he of its being last •ipe ; he replied, be<br />

knew it was for that cause it died ; found no ^difference in that, but that<br />

he replied, hecause he had in such it was ripe as Soon as the other to<br />

cale lcratched up the root, and sound the full.<br />

there was not flour or milk sushci- The original of brining and liming<br />

cnt to maintain the blade till it could feed-wheat Seems to be purely an En-<br />

lake rcot.<br />

glish practice. Sharrock Says, brin-<br />

I met sarmer White and farmer ing and liming wheat may deSend it<br />

Bachalour ol Litchfield in the mar- against grubs, infects, and worms,<br />

ket ; l told larracr White how* thin and Sortiry the grain ; but he can-<br />

his Seed wheat proved that he had not think it any Security against<br />

Seat me, and that it was exceed- blights, &c.<br />

ingly blighted ; and that 1 was fa- 1 had wheat brined and limed for<br />

tithed, let the farmers pretend what fowing, but, much rain coming, and<br />

they will, that blighted wheat, if the ground being wet, l could not<br />

Sowed late in the year, though it Sow it Sor a Sortnight. At a Sort-<br />

might come to a blade, yet the flour night's end l had Several people with<br />

or milk that ought to maintain it me about measuring harvest work ;<br />

v ould he Spent beSore it conld loot So asked their opinion, whether Such<br />

more, and then, iS Srosts came, it wheat would grow or not ; one Said,<br />

v. cruld be in danger oS dying— he had known wheat that had nor<br />

They agreed with me, that in caSe been brined and limed above a week,<br />

it was lase Sowed, it was thcir opi- .and a great deal of it did not grow.<br />

nion also, but it would do well iS Another, it deprnded on the high<br />

lowed early ; but Said Sarmer lake, degree to which it was limed, Sor,<br />

hour aSter when I was Speaking to it was so highly limed that it shrunk<br />

him about it, let it be Sowed early and shriveled, it would not grow ;<br />

or late, give me a Sull-bodied wheat but, in cafe the kind locked plump<br />

Many Satmers. and indeed all l and Smooth, there was no danger.<br />

have talked with on tbe subject, a- A third was of opinion, that there<br />

gree that musty wheat, though not was great difference in the manner<br />

grown out, will nor grow.—'l Sup- of bnning it, for, if the wheat had<br />

ple it is, becauSe the Seminal part been steeped in brine, it would be<br />

is malted, though it docs not out- much apter to burn by lying in lime,<br />

wardly shew itself, as it docs when than it would have been only Sprink-<br />

is grown out.<br />

led with brine in the morning it<br />

Parmer Biggs Says, he always Sows was limed.——Note, this brined<br />

tae Blueberry wheat, that is, the wheat was not sowed till November<br />

tath-ripe wheat.—The mealmen the 7th, which was sea en weeks af-<br />

de not like the white Lammas wheat; ter it was limed, and yet it grew<br />

shey say it does not cast So fine a and came up so thick, that it leem-<br />

^ir homas Elton also Says, they ed to have received no prejudice.<br />

Irs om Sow the whim Lammas wheat ;<br />

2nd bath he and Sarmer Biggs Say, the<br />

^'almen know it Srom the other<br />

^er than chey do who Sow it,—<br />

l homas Elton fays, he has been at<br />

It wt as universally observed, ^^ this last<br />

winter, that the wheat that wat killed<br />

by the winter oS 1-o8, was not<br />

killed by the frosts, though they were<br />

very intense, but by the winds,<br />

Reading with it, and could not have which drove the frosty particles in<br />

o much by twelve shillings in a load Snch a manner, as to penetrate int^<br />

^sot the Blueberty wheat, though the roots of the corn ; this may bo<br />

^ tha lame good n^sa, l ashed hiui, supposed to he effected with their angles^

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