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T H E<br />

M a g a z i n e ^ f M a ^ a z i n c ^ a<br />

^OLUME<br />

.All utltt^llt^ -Acf^ttut of th^ a^it^ ctnd ^ttrrctldef of ^Hl-<br />

LlP^ f^rl, in S^ Ijinnd of MINORCA.<br />

Saturday<br />

^ ^ ^ ^ H E gartison was alarm-<br />

^-vs ^ ed With the first news<br />

^ I ^ ^ ^ Jargc fleet of French<br />

^ transports being in fight.<br />

Sunday its. Part of<br />

' Col. Riche's regiment from the coun-<br />

try, brought an account of the land-<br />

in of their troops at Cieutadella.<br />

1 necessary precautions were immediately<br />

taken, the artillery and additional<br />

gunners were stationed, and<br />

a resolute defence was determined.<br />

Monday l^. The remainder of<br />

Col. Riche's regiment arrived from<br />

Cieutadella, from whence they had<br />

retired, leaving a corporal behind,<br />

who was made printer by the French.<br />

Abril i<br />

The western signal houfe guard also<br />

retired into the fort. All Col.<br />

Cornwallis's regiment left Mahon, to<br />

peinforce the garrison, and the General<br />

detached Lt. Col. Bufane, with<br />

200 men to observe the enemy' a<br />

motion, who feeing no appearance<br />

of them in the day, staid at Mahon<br />

all night.<br />

Tuefday 2o. The General detached<br />

too men to reinforce Col. Bufane,<br />

and also detached a party to<br />

drive all the cattle they could fiiad<br />

in the country into the Sort. Upon<br />

this expedition two of our men were<br />

wounded by the Spaniards. Our<br />

Scents brought advice that i2,ocio<br />

A of

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