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^ J A N U A R Y .<br />

ted the Saxons ; the king of Poland<br />

fled from his dominions, and prince<br />

Charles retired into Bohemia. The<br />

king of Prussia entered Drefden as<br />

a conqueror, exacted very Severe<br />

contributions from the whole country,<br />

and the Austrians and SaXons<br />

were at last compelled to receive<br />

from him Such a peace as he would<br />

grant. He iinpoSed no Severe conditions<br />

except the payment oS the<br />

contributions, made no new claim of<br />

dominions, and, with the elector Palatine,<br />

acknowledged the duke of Tufcany<br />

for emperor.<br />

The lives of ptinCes, like the histories<br />

of nations, have their periods<br />

We shall here suspend our nartative of<br />

the king of Prussia, who was now at<br />

the height of human greatness, giving<br />

laws to his enemies, and courted by<br />

all the powers of Europe. What wiis<br />

he the event of the prefent war it is<br />

yet too early to predict ; bis enemies<br />

are powerful, but we have Seen those<br />

enemies once conquered, and there is<br />

no great reaSon to imagine that the<br />

confederacy against him will last long.<br />

Tryai of A.hnirai B Y N G.<br />

lo which we have, in Oreler to render is<br />

more useful, added Azotes to explain<br />

she Sea Terms thatoernr therein.<br />

A T a Court-Martial sspembled on<br />

.Lh. board bis Majesty's Ship St.<br />

George, in Portsmouth harbour, open<br />

the 27tb of Ddhember 1756 ;<br />

2nd held every day aSterwards (Sundays<br />

excepted) till the 27th of" Jauuary,<br />

1757, inclusive.<br />

P R E S E N T ,<br />

Vice- Admiral sixtttn, President,<br />

ltear-Adiniral HoLttOuRNE,<br />

Bear-Admiral NoRRts,<br />

Rear-Admiral BaoDERlca,<br />

Captain HoLsves,<br />

Captain GEARY,<br />

Captain Bovs,<br />

Captain MooRE,<br />

Captain StstcoE,<br />

Captain DouGL.ss,<br />

Caprain BENtLET,<br />

Captain Kerr EL. And<br />

Captain DENms,<br />

^111, '<br />

St. George, in Portsmouth Harlonr Dec.<br />

A Jack in the miven shrouds was<br />

ss^ hoisted as a signal for a courtmartial<br />

; about 9 a gun fired for all<br />

captains in the harbour to come on<br />

board, the commiisson was reatl, and<br />

the members of the court were Sworn.<br />

Tuefdav, Adm. Byng waa<br />

brought to the bar (a place fitted up<br />

to the right of the president for his<br />

sitting or standing) with his clerks and<br />

writers, the commission, with the articles<br />

exhibited against him were<br />

read ; to which, in a short decent<br />

Speech oS two or three minutes, he<br />

said, he thought himself happy in<br />

his present situation, to have his conduct<br />

enquired into by gentlemen of<br />

their well known abilities and candour,<br />

and from thence hoped to<br />

anfwer for himfelf with honour.<br />

Wedn. 29. Rear Adm. West was<br />

Sworn and examined 'till near 5 in<br />

the evening t when the court was<br />

adjourning he begged they would<br />

compleat his examination that night,<br />

because he was going out upon an expedition<br />

oS great importance, by the<br />

king's Special order : but as the<br />

court and Mr. Byng hat^many queftions<br />

to ask him, the court informed<br />

him they should be glad to go thro'<br />

but that there was not time, and then<br />

Ike court adjourned till next morning.<br />

Thursday 3o. Adm. West appeared,<br />

and finished his examination, Some<br />

oS the most material questions were,<br />

whether any unnecessary delay was<br />

made at St, Hel n's, or Gibraltar ?<br />

AnSwered in the negative. At what<br />

distance the Ramilites was Stom the<br />

Buckingham at the time of the engagement<br />

? he replied about thrro<br />

miles. Whether the admiral and the<br />

rear could have come up to the assistance<br />

oS the van, and come to as<br />

Close an engagement with the enemy<br />

^ he answered, he knew no impediment<br />

to the contrary, but that ho<br />

would not he understood to mean there<br />

was none. How the wind and weather<br />

waa^ He replied, very calm<br />

E and

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