CBM Progress Report 2006 - GSI

CBM Progress Report 2006 - GSI

CBM Progress Report 2006 - GSI


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<strong>CBM</strong> <strong>Progress</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2006</strong> Simulations<br />

Muon detector simulations and choice of the RICH mirror shape ∗<br />

V. Baublis, A. Khanzadeev, B. Komkov, V. Nikulin, V. Samsonov, O. Tarasenkova, and E. Vznuzdaev<br />

The PNPI team in <strong>2006</strong> participated in the <strong>CBM</strong> experiment<br />

in 3 main directions: the studies of the muon system<br />

absorber layout, estimations for the feasibility of modern<br />

tracking detectors for both MuCh designs and development<br />

of the mirror-adjusting mechanics for RICH.<br />

1. The <strong>CBM</strong> muon identification system (MuCh) is supposed<br />

to be a set of absorbers interlaced with the tracking<br />

chambers. The <strong>GSI</strong> team works on the design optimized<br />

for the track-following Kalman filter procedure: a<br />

set of absorbers with subsequently increasing thickness.<br />

This design offers an optimal performance, but requires<br />

the expensive high resolution tracking detectors detectors<br />

that can work in very high hit density environment (up to<br />

∼ 1 hit per cm 2 ). Somewhat different design is proposed<br />

by the members of the PNPI team. An ideal absorber<br />

should catch all hadrons, keeping the muons intact. The<br />

absorption power of the media is characterized by the “Interaction<br />

Length” (hereafter λI) - a mean distance between<br />

the hadron interaction, while the influence of the Coulomb<br />

interaction is reflected by the value X0. In “classical” approach<br />

(NA50, NA60, ALICE...) the light-A absorbers (for<br />

example, made of carbon) are chosen because they offer<br />

the smallest value of X0 for given λI: in other words they<br />

offer the smallest multiple scattering for given nuclear absorption.<br />

The proposed MuCh layout consists of the 145 cm thick<br />

carbon absorber (3.86λI) followed by 60 cm thick iron<br />

(3.58λI). The total absorption length is the same as for<br />

the <strong>GSI</strong> option; at this thickness the ratio of the absorption<br />

powers for muons (due to the Coulomb scattering) and<br />

hadrons (due to hadron showers) reaches a plateau. Placing<br />

a thick carbon layer before iron one gives a possibility<br />

to reduce the hit density of secondary tracks in coordinate<br />

detectors. Thus the influence of the neighboring tracks is<br />

minimized.<br />

The total thickness of carbon and iron layers has been<br />

fixed, but the number of iron layers and number of detectors<br />

was varied. The GEANT3-based <strong>CBM</strong>root framework<br />

v.OKT04 was used for track transport through the detector.<br />

The background and the signal (decay muons from J/Psi<br />

and LMVM) tracks for 25 GeV Au+Au central and minimum<br />

bias events were simulated with UrQMD and Pluto<br />

generators respectively. The so-called cone method has<br />

been used for the track-finding: each STS track was considered<br />

as a muon one provided there is as minimum one<br />

hit within the multiple scattering cone around its extension<br />

in each tracking station.<br />

The analysis demonstrated that the proposed layout of<br />

absorbers (with thick first carbon layer) allows to reach a<br />

∗ Work supported in part by INTAS grant 06-1000012-8781<br />

PNPI, Gatchina, Russia<br />

23<br />

pretty high signal to background ratio. For the minimum<br />

bias events the achieved values of the efficiency and signalto-background<br />

ratio are quite close to the results of the <strong>GSI</strong><br />

team (see Figure 1). For the case of central events the performance<br />

of the muon system is obviously degrades due<br />

to high hit density in tracking stations. Additional inefficiency<br />

is inherent to the cone method;the resulting efficiency<br />

drops to the level of S/B 4 × 10 −3 .<br />

Signal/Background<br />

Graph<br />

1.2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

χ 2 / ndf<br />

9.512e-06 / 1<br />

p0 1.534 ± 2.784<br />

p1 -0.02487 ± 0.1693<br />

p2 0.0001686 ± 0.002222<br />

Efficiency<br />

2<br />

χ χ 2<br />

2 / / ndf<br />

ndf 9.512e-06 0.00383 / / -2 -3<br />

p0 1.534 ± 2.784<br />

p0 -0.23 ± 1.225<br />

p1 -0.02487 ± 0.1693<br />

p1 p2 0.0001686 0.02247 ±<br />

± 0.002222 0.02981<br />

Omega Meson<br />

Signal/Background<br />

20 30 40 50 60<br />

0<br />

Iron Thickness, cm<br />

Figure 1: The signal-to-background ratio (blue line) and<br />

the selection efficiency (red curve) as a function of the<br />

number of 15 cm thick iron absorbers for the minimum bias<br />

events.<br />

2. It has been demonstrated that the existing modern<br />

position-sensitive detectors (micromegas, GEM, even the<br />

cathode pad chambers in peripheral zone) could be used in<br />

case of MuCh. Even for the hottest zones with hit density<br />

of about 1 cm −2 the gas detectors could be built. However,<br />

the significant angular distribution implies the limitation on<br />

the spatial resolution of the detectors: according to our estimations<br />

one will not be able to achieve the resolution better<br />

than 0.25 mm, most likely the best resolution will be of order<br />

∼ 0.3 mm.<br />

3. The designer team presented a conception of the design<br />

for RICH mirrors adjustment and fixation mechanics.<br />

Two prototypes were aso built: the first uses the mirror fixation<br />

at its center, in the second the mirror is fixed at 3<br />

points in its peripheral zone. The analysis of high precision<br />

measurements prove the design.<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Reconstruction Efficiency

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