Computer + Video Games - Commodore Is Awesome

Computer + Video Games - Commodore Is Awesome

Computer + Video Games - Commodore Is Awesome


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Retrace<br />

the past.<br />

The date:<br />

April, 1950.<br />

The place:<br />

Huntsville,<br />

Alabama. Werner<br />

von Braun and a<br />

select team of rocket<br />

scientists appear on the<br />

scene. Within a decade,<br />

everything will change.<br />

Agriculture will give way to<br />

technology as a small city<br />

becomes the centre for America's<br />

rocket and missile research.<br />

A by-product of this technology is<br />

the Space and Rocket Centre Museum,<br />

host to over four million visitors since it<br />

opened in 1970.<br />

Observe Wally Schirra's tiny mercury<br />

capsule, or the charred command module of<br />

Apollo 16.<br />

From a moon buggy to moon rocks, over 1500<br />

pieces of rocket and space hardware are on<br />

display — valued in the tens of millions of<br />

dollars. It is here that SPACE CAMP was born.<br />

Marshal M. Rosenthal reports.<br />

people from all over the<br />

S world the opportunity to<br />

see p what it is like to he an<br />

astronaut.<br />

a<br />

c<br />

Enrollment was a modest 750<br />

when it began in 1983. Today it<br />

is e up to 3,000 per season, with a<br />

dormitory C of 140 beds for each<br />

one a week session.<br />

mHow<br />

to explain what Space<br />

Camp is like?<br />

p How better than to ask the<br />

would-be g astronauts themselves.<br />

Here's i Todd, II, David 13, Chris<br />

12, v Liz 12, Jill 14, and Greg 16.<br />

, The<br />

e<br />

younger members of our<br />

group had just completed level<br />

one<br />

s<br />

of the camp's training<br />

programme y while Jill and Greg<br />

were o veterans of level two — in<br />

which u you get to do some really<br />

"awesome" stuff<br />

n<br />

Greg: The camp was very<br />

different g from what I expected.<br />

Fun, but also a lot of hard work.<br />

David: When you see that big<br />

Saturn rocket on display outside<br />

in Rocket Park, you really get an<br />

idea of what it's all about.<br />

Todd: The equivalent of a thirty<br />

story building that propelled the<br />

Apollo astronauts to the moon.<br />

<strong>Awesome</strong>!<br />

Jill: What they had you do made<br />

you learn a lot. First you took a<br />

test which has some pretty hard<br />

questions about the space<br />

programme to see what you<br />

already knew. This way the<br />

could place you in a team with<br />

others like you and see that you<br />

got the right kind of<br />

instructions.<br />

David: We spent a lot of time<br />

learning stuff. Our teams were<br />

named after the sun and planets.<br />

Mine was Neptune.<br />

Liz: Chris and I were both on the<br />

same team, Mars.<br />

Todd: Venus for me.<br />

Greg: Our teams were named<br />

after the shuttles. Jill and I were<br />

both Discovery. The others were<br />

Columbia and Atlantis.<br />

Todd: The first day, Sunday, we<br />

DPaint<br />

AIL<br />

counselors got up at 7.30a.m.<br />

After we got dressed, we all did<br />

about 10 minutes of exercises to<br />

warm up. Then we went to eat in<br />

the cafeteria.<br />

Chris: The food's pretty bad.<br />

David: It's realistic that way!<br />

Greg (holding up a silverized<br />

aluminum potich) Look at this<br />

stuff_ Dehydrated beef and<br />

potatoes!<br />

Liz: It's not McDonalds for sure.<br />

Chris: Level One had a lot of<br />

speakers from NASA and<br />

companies involved with the<br />

space program. One of the topics<br />

was about the space telescope<br />

they're gonna build. Outside of<br />

Earth's atmosphere, it can see a<br />

Jot farther_<br />

Todd: Another talk was about<br />

laser technology and how it can<br />

be used in space to produce all<br />

kinds of things that can't be<br />

done here on Earth.<br />

Liz: There's a 360 degree theatre<br />

that you can sit in and watch the<br />

picture projected all around you.<br />

It makes you feel like you're<br />

flying. We saw a lot of films<br />

made during space missions.<br />

David: There's a 0-force ride<br />

that you go on. It hits you with<br />

the effect of three gravities. You<br />

sit in these seats and get spun<br />

around.<br />

Jill: The seat moves back and<br />

pushes against you. But you're<br />

buckled into it, so it's okay.<br />

Todd: You have to look<br />

overhead all the time, there's a<br />

movie.,,,<br />

Liz: (interrupting): A movie<br />

showing space. hiked it a lot<br />

Chris: When it's done, you're<br />

supposed to be able to just get up<br />

and walk away like nothing<br />

happened. A lot of kids had<br />

funny looks on their faces.<br />

David: I'm glad I was okay, it<br />

takes one and a half minutes for<br />

the ride to slow down and stop.<br />

Todd: I saw a lot of kids<br />

wobbling.<br />

Chris: Yeah, it takes a while to<br />

feel normal again<br />

Jill: Level Two got to try this<br />

neat ride that simulates flight<br />

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takeoffs and returns. You get<br />

strapped into a special seat<br />

which is inside of a huge ball<br />

that's inside of a large vertical<br />

tube. Then, a huge blast. of<br />

compressed air goes off<br />

underneath and you're shot up<br />

to the top of the tube like a<br />

super-powered elevator. After a<br />

few moments, you drop back<br />

down by get stopped by another<br />

blast which acts like an air<br />

brake_ It feels like a big hand<br />

tossing you back and forth.<br />

Liz: One day we got to make<br />

rockets from kits with solid fuel<br />

motors and shoot them off<br />

Chris: One rocket didn't work<br />

right. The whole thing divebombed<br />

straight down and<br />

buried itself halfway into the<br />

ground.<br />

Greg: Level Two is almost fully<br />

devoted to missions aboard a full<br />


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