Amiga Computing - Commodore Is Awesome

Amiga Computing - Commodore Is Awesome

Amiga Computing - Commodore Is Awesome


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Himminen and 50r1<br />

0<br />

the<br />

ucked<br />

top<br />

away<br />

floor<br />

in<br />

is<br />

a<br />

an<br />

London<br />

<strong>Amiga</strong> 4000<br />

terrace<br />

and<br />

house<br />

Silicon<br />

on<br />

Graphics side by side. The owner. Mariut<br />

Renminen, has been producing animation for the<br />

last 20 years. An animation director by trade.<br />

computers have only just begun taking a very<br />

actms role In her work. On board is her son Dan<br />

ArraII, a computer operator and animator whose<br />

expertise has also helped Jonathan Hodgson.<br />

I was in 1974 that she had her first experience<br />

with a computer: "I was in London to shoot<br />

a commercial with Electronic Arts and became<br />

involved because the media was interesting and<br />

new. Unfortunately at that time, the whole<br />

computer operation was in the hands of the<br />

engineers not the creatives due to the inaccessitdey<br />

of the hardware and software" commented<br />

Rimminen.<br />

Subsequently, she didn't return to the computer<br />

scene for another 20 years. In the meantime,<br />

she continued with her commercial work and<br />

has tad venous animations shown on Channel<br />

4. /ter next foray into computers was the <strong>Amiga</strong><br />

500, owned by her son, which came with Deluxe<br />

Paint 3. So impressed with the standard possible,<br />

she quickly invested in a 4000 and a<br />

PARcarcl The machine is currently being used<br />

on another Channel 4 Four Mations anim in conjunction<br />

with the Silicon Graphics. With the<br />

mock-up created on the <strong>Amiga</strong> already, the bulk<br />

of the final version is being produced on the SGI.<br />


While some <strong>Amiga</strong> owners maybe fuming at<br />

the thought, Rimminen is quick to point out that<br />

one of the reasons for bringing in the SGI was<br />

me cloud of doubt hanging over <strong>Commodore</strong>'s<br />

luture 'We had planned to go with Arnigas solely,<br />

but with such an investment in something that<br />

was looking decidedly shaky it was just too<br />

much of a risk.<br />

- Indeed, she sings the <strong>Amiga</strong>'s praises: "I've<br />

werked with Macs as well and it has lots of interesting<br />

programs but its still not a great machine.<br />

It the <strong>Amiga</strong> was developed in the same way as •<br />

the Mac - easy to use in other words - it would<br />

be ideal"<br />

Star of the show though, yet again, is the<br />

PARcard. While shooting the live footage at<br />

hired studios, they used a Hi-8 video camera<br />

and stored each frame directly onto the card<br />

which was set up nearby. The <strong>Amiga</strong> has also<br />

taped her puppet skills as well - while shooting<br />

a particular scene, Rimminen needed to him a<br />

dill rolling out a handbag_ Instead of the usual<br />

painstaking set-up required to perform such an<br />

anirrelion feat, she simply held the doll in the relevant<br />

position for each frame and then took out<br />

her fingers using Brilliance in post production. 1<br />

hnd the system very tactile which is unusual for a<br />

computer._ it enables me to use my puppet skills<br />

and help in the process<br />

- While s h the e SGI takes centre stage in this prodaction,<br />

c o mRimminen m e n is t obviously a true enthusiast.<br />

e 'While d . at a show recently, I met dozens of<br />

animators all singing the praises of the machine.<br />

Even after all this time, there's a real community<br />

saint tor the <strong>Amiga</strong>. II Escom succeed. I think the<br />

future for the <strong>Amiga</strong> in the animation sector is<br />

excellent."<br />

Mang Happq Return5<br />

A theme-heavy animation portraying how the<br />

present is both formed from the past and the<br />

future - because of our experiences and<br />

hopes, there's no such thing as objective reality.<br />

The anim explores this with a mixture of<br />

computer and live action<br />

Mainlined wa s pla ce d on a spinning<br />

cha ir in this shot. The MVO<br />

was tha n mite re d a nd turne d into a n<br />

anintbrush. The pa le tte wa s<br />

cha nge d a nd the fina l ima ge<br />

ste ncilte d into the live a ction lore .<br />

ground with... Brillia nce !<br />

<strong>Amiga</strong> <strong>Computing</strong><br />

OCTOBER 1995<br />

Dan Arna li a nd fila rtut<br />

illimmine rc "I find the<br />

<strong>Amiga</strong> ve ry ta ctile<br />

which is unusua l tor A<br />

compute r— it e na ble s<br />

me to use my puppe t<br />

skills a nd he lp in the<br />

process."<br />

Sit this sce ne , the M ints in the ve ne tia n blind ta ke<br />

oil a nd fly a cross the a ce sie n. Rinwnine n's fe c•<br />

was put ove r the top AS A 2 0 pe r ce nt<br />

transparency with a riiiia nce . The birds<br />

themseives sta rte d a s dots ma pping the ir flight<br />

plans a nd the n we re subse que ntly dra wn in with<br />

Brillia nce with a slight tra nspa re ncy.<br />

Other work<br />

41 M orph Plus wa s use d to distort the fa ce<br />

into a va mpa ric ima go. The ta ttoos on the<br />

face we re ske tche d 041 with Brillia nce by<br />

, digita l a rtist Ja ck Schute e<br />

in the ba ckground bomb, ca n be se e n<br />

dropping - this e ffe ct wa s a chie ve d by<br />

simply shooting a book pa ge on vide o<br />

while tilting the ca llie ra down, The<br />

Houses of Pa rlia me nt we re corn posite d<br />

over the lop a nd e dge s we re blurre d to<br />

se e m life like . The broa dca ste rs we re<br />

taken from the vide o re corde r a nd<br />

picked up a s a n a nimbrush e nd pla ce d<br />

V on top of the a ction<br />

Afte r usktg AluitiFra nte a s a<br />

compositor a nd dra wing a n a lpha<br />

cha nne l for e a ch live fra me of Um<br />

actor. the re st of the shot wa s<br />

ima ge proce sse d with the tine a rt<br />

option using AdPro a nd Ahdlifra me<br />

FEATURE 1<br />


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