Page 1 .76 .. 1993 ANNUAL MEETING ABSTRACTS Session A ...

Page 1 .76 .. 1993 ANNUAL MEETING ABSTRACTS Session A ...

Page 1 .76 .. 1993 ANNUAL MEETING ABSTRACTS Session A ...


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494<br />

IJiokI&ically oct;"" &lm:>MIs..nd thio hH hem III impcIVI in de\lelopin& foci .. maIIod:I<br />

for chie;rprepanulon. Then has hem considmoble In!~ in reidallkpoaicb. A mix!",", ofKMn04-CuS04 in ",nux;n, methylene<br />

chloride. in ,he. p.HtflCc of. cuaI)'Iic amount of WlI~r III1d ,olIphatidylinosilol (0.4'.11»"'ere lo",eml.<br />

The moaI abundanl racly ..dd in PE was 18: I 1-40'1.); in PC and SPtll6:O 1-60'1.<br />

eK!I) _ moll abundanl. Ow dac.a suggest iliac lipKe diff.mlliacion ocaon in che<br />

PI' juncti0n5 01 bovine lms fiber cells ond iliac ~ mIIY be .. opcciaI requm,mau<br />

r.,..choIeSICIuI in OJ ~ PE and SPH an: ee IWO _ pI'OnIinem claucs 01<br />

phoIphoIiplds ~ willi ttt.. OJ mriched mernbnne fnctioIl.<br />

es<br />

Sepa .. 11on oICOI\Iuplrei OIe ..... F.ny Adds from Dln"trttu Soun:a In Anlm.]<br />

.nd Human T"bsuts. Sebtlstiaoo 8anni. Mari. AYunta [)asl. Maria Paola Mel••<br />

and FnncelCO P. Comn,iu, Dip. 8;0Io,i. SperimenUlle·Se~. Pllolngi. Sper .. ViQlc<br />

R.,ina Mnrghcrila. 45 09100o..giiari, Italy.<br />

Tht! pracnc:e Ofronjll'Bled diCOC$(CD) in lipid .nvi .......m.m Iw been lliken for<br />

yean! u ."idenee of lipid penuidalion due 10 ee cceerreoce ofilli. 51~lIre in flllty<br />

acid h)'droptn:>~jdel. Small amnunts of CD filly acid i..,....,n an: aI~formed during<br />

partial hydrusenation of fIlS.. A ... consequence. chey an: prucnt in diets prepared<br />

with partially hydn:>aena1CldfllU. M(II'llOVa",il has bcen ....... 1hat co.fany.,id iM>men<br />

art ab50rbed ond dqIoIiIcd in animal MIl hIInIan liuuell. Hence. due 10 !he .<br />

CI8:)n·3: 0.7", C20:40-6; 0.1'.11>.C20:6o-3: 0.]'.11».The ..im oflhis study "'1510<br />

verify iflhis fll CQrnpct-ition and panicul ... ly Mer could Iff tel mcmlnne ionlldlain<br />

poI)'lWalwatcd r.IlY acids (PUfA). Since red blood ""II (R8Cj mcmbnno.<br />

PUFA reflecled brain membrantCQrnposilinll. _1UIdiCd by pI·liquid ch.romaIOJraphy<br />

OLe -')'IiI (capillary column CP Sil 88 SOm ~ 0.23) in .. multicentric<br />

study. filly acid """'J'OJiIions of RBC phoIspiIaIidylethanolamine (PE)in 1_ poup.<br />

oIprenw_ inf ....<br />

IS96.t n; OA:)2<br />

: Group A fed In HM + InAl..FARE(n. 12.,...,.,·_;8W:<br />

...b .. I); Group 8 fed HM ("'ilh.ool lipick modifocacion. only<br />

IlUpplcmcnled ",ilh CltJcin hydrolywc. minerlband du.1rinc-ma/105C!) (n. II. BW;<br />

16J81 ± n; 0....... : 31 ± I ",k). The weigh'pin .....,CQrnpantble in the t_ ,"",ps<br />

IGroup A: 16.2 &lkgld: Group 8: 14.2 gIkgId). The PUFA CQrnpolilinn In Group A<br />

in dlCIC PE did not demo:>mIrate any imporwtl nuauation, and lhere wllSll'l any<br />

IUIOOUIlyfor C20:)n.9 ond CI6:1n-1. AIIhc 37th wk of .... !he two JIOOPS 1II'CI"I'<br />

comparable. In oonclutlon HM fac modifocacion "'ith ALFAR~did not diMurb<br />

mc:mbrane:s' 1ont~lWn PUFA.<br />

Compa .. U"'SludyolSp/llngocny~Un Filly Addlln Er)'lhO"OC"Jln or Prtmalu",<br />

Inflnu Frel wllh Mllernal Milk. Formula or a-Unolenk Acid Enriched formula.<br />

F. B.bin and 8.lHlCOIrIps.INSERM U..58. 60 rue de Nlv.,dlcs. 34090<br />

Montpellier. P. SInb and D. Ricu. N6onaut1ogic. A. Craloln de Paule!. Biochimie A.<br />

and F. Mmdy, OnIdol,C~liGm. Paris. FI"IIICe.<br />

The essenlialily 01 n-3 fany ..-ids: Iw been ""lemivtly documented and .. ve<br />

rUe 10 llUdies 01 «-linolenace supplcmenlacion in formula f«

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