CCRMA OVERVIEW - CCRMA - Stanford University

CCRMA OVERVIEW - CCRMA - Stanford University

CCRMA OVERVIEW - CCRMA - Stanford University


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Categorical Perception of Sound Sources project, which is described in the Psychoacoustics and Cognitive<br />

Psychology research section of this document.<br />

References<br />

• van Walstijn, M. and Scavone, G. P. The Wave Digital Tonehole Model, Proceedings of the 2000<br />

International Computer Music Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp. 465-468. Computer Music Association.<br />

Also available online from http://Hww-ccrma.stanford.edu/~gary/.<br />

• Scavone, G. P. Modeling Wind Instrument Sound Radiation using Digital Waveguides, Proceedings<br />

of the 1999 International Computer Music Conference, Beijing, China, pp. 355-358. Computer<br />

Music Association. Also available online from http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~gary/.<br />

• Rousseau, A. Modelisation du rayonnement des instruments a vent a trous lateraux, Technical<br />

Report, Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique, Departement d'acoustique<br />

instrumentale (responsable: Rene Causse), 1996.<br />

• Scavone, G. P. and Cook, P. R. Real-time Computer Modeling of Woodwind Instruments, Proceedings<br />

of the 1998 International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA-98), Leavenworth,<br />

Washington, U.S.A., pp. 197-202. Acoustical Society of America. Also available online from<br />

http://www-ccrma.<strong>Stanford</strong>.edu/"gary/.<br />

6.2.6 Realistic and Extended Physical Models of Bowed String Instruments<br />

Stefania Serafin<br />

The focus of this research is to obtain a high quality bowed string synthesizer, which is able to reproduce<br />

most of the phenomena which appear in real instruments and also can be extended to provide interesting<br />

compositional tools. We built a waveguide bowed string physical model which contains all the main<br />

physical properties of real instruments i.e. transversal and torsional waves, model for string stiffness,<br />

model for the bow-string interaction and body model.<br />

Our current research consists of finding the parameters to drive the model which give expressive sound<br />

quality. This is done by estimating the input parameters from recordings on real instruments and using<br />

pattern recognition techniques. Our model runs in real time in Max/MSP and STK and was used by<br />

Sile O'Modhain in her dissertation on haptic feedback interfaces, by Charles Nichols for his vBow and<br />

by Matthew Burtner with the Metasaxophone.<br />

6.2.7 Pattern Recognition Approaches to Invert a Bowed String Physical Model<br />

Stefania Serafin<br />

In physical modeling synthesis it is well known how the input parameters that drive the model represent<br />

a fundamental component of the resulting sound. Simple models can sound very realistic when driven<br />

by parameters that evolve in time in the same way as in real instruments, while elaborated models<br />

sound very synthetic if the driving parameters are stationary in time. In this talk I will present an<br />

approach to estimate the input parameters of a bowed string physical model. Different applications will<br />

be demonstrated.<br />


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