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Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland


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118<br />

s tated repeatedly that he had n o i nt ere s t i n joining with an y<br />

<strong>of</strong> them .<br />

The Vaterses went on to Victoria, where in February 1924,<br />

they rec e i ve d pe r mi s s i o n t o us e the Orange Lodge rent-free for<br />

t wo weeks o f meetings . 102<br />

Th e residents readily accepted a<br />

f ormer so n. vaters ' attempt to coo perate with the Methodist<br />

minister e nded whe n the l atter began pub LLcLy ridiculing the<br />

meetings, wh i ch contin ued in t he Orange Hall fo r t he enti re<br />

spring . "We knowingly s hun ned the spectacUlar, t he emotional,<br />

sent ime nt a l ," Vaters wrote in 1974 . "We had no illusions ; we<br />

cou l d suffer no defeat". No o f f eri ng s were c o l l e c t e d in the<br />

i n i t i a l meetings . " I t must be a l l <strong>of</strong> God about us, " he<br />

reas one d . "We would prove God" . '03 Thursday evening , Marc h<br />

20 , 1924, brought a response similar to that ex pe r-Le nced in<br />

the 19 19 Demarest campaign. 104<br />

The re wa s the conscious brooding <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

t he Holy Spirit ; one must move cautiously a nd let<br />

the s p i rit ha ve His way . Then it was l i ke " a rushing<br />

mighty wi nd" - -from heaven--"and it filled all<br />

t he hous e, II a nd there was a rush towa rd t he a ltar .<br />

Some could no t get a t t he a ltar- - it wa s filled just<br />

before they go t so far- - and they knelt where the y<br />

co uld f i nd place. lOS<br />

Wha t crying ou t to God!<br />

Forty individuals- -mos tly you ng married men Who later formed<br />

t he nucleus <strong>of</strong> the Vi ct o r i a mi s s i on--we r e converted. Another<br />

40 were added to the number the next; night .<br />

In May 19 24 Eugene va t.e rc began editing and publishing a<br />

mon t hly pe r iodical , The Independent communio n . It was<br />

"d ed i cated to the wor k <strong>of</strong> God i n Newf ound l a nd, and elsewhere

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