Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland


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English oppressor s; "hile the En glis h br ought wi t h<br />

t hem f rolll the west country a he rit age <strong>of</strong> puritani ­<br />

cal Pr otestantism, social deference, lind semif<br />

eudal economic relationships. Thus the consti tuen<br />

t elements o f the new cOJimunity froll the very<br />

beginning cont ained in their respective t radi tions<br />

a nd memories fro. th; old world the see d s <strong>of</strong> social<br />

conflict i n the new .<br />

Herein l ay the roots <strong>of</strong> both religious sectar ianism and social<br />

co nflic t i n Newf o u ndl a nd . As with most n i ne t eenth century<br />

west e rn s oc i eties , Newfo und land considered Itself Chris t ian,<br />

a nd r e ligion was a n expression o f e t h n ic identit y a s much as<br />

anything else. s tate Anglic an i sm dom I nated t he s t art <strong>of</strong> t he<br />

ni ne t e en t h c entury . After 18 32 Roman Catholi c s, wi t h clerical<br />

ba c ki ng, began reform a nd Cat holic r i qht s ag i t ation . The<br />

Cat holics ....ere joined i n time by t he Met hodists, a str on g<br />

third c hur ch, ....hich was s trong ly reviva listic a nd h ad ou t port<br />

roots . I n 1855 Ne....found l and became i nt ernal l y self-governing,<br />

largely because ot t he Roman Ca t ho l ic/Met hodist alliance . As<br />

a r e sult Anglican domina nce wa s brok en. This wa s follo....ed by<br />

the r e lig i o u s comp romise <strong>of</strong> the 1860$ Wh e n pa t ronage and<br />

education ....ere a ll d ivided proportionately . Thus relig i on ....as<br />

embedd ed i n t h e s t a t e. 8<br />

Th e country that Alice B. Garr igus e nt e r e d i n 191 0 ....as a<br />

deepl y relig i ou s one ( s e e Figur e 2). The Roman Catholic<br />

Church ....a s t h e l a r g e st d e no mina t ion i n 1911 , with 3 3 . 8\:. The<br />

Ch ur c h <strong>of</strong> Eng land , with a consti tuency <strong>of</strong> 77 ,075 or 32 . 2 \: , was<br />

not f ar be hind. The Met hodist po r t i o n <strong>of</strong> the popUl a tion wa s<br />

6 7 ,310 o r 28.2\ , foll owed by the Sa l vation Army , Which had a<br />

,s<br />

membership <strong>of</strong> 1 0, 1 3 6 or 4 .2\: . The Presbyte r i an a nd Cong r ega-

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