Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland


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186<br />

registered a s a de nomina t i on with the qc vez-nmerrt;, Mission<br />

members ha d no r ights as part o f a separuee r eligious g roup;<br />

Eng l i s h himself was ordained by the Pentecostal Assemblies <strong>of</strong><br />

c en ea e. " I nd epe nde nt missions in Newfo undland , as elsewhere,<br />

had been operated on t he l oos e st kind o f congregational b a s is,<br />

a policy p r ob ably resulting f r om a type <strong>of</strong> spiritual i dealism.<br />

The l e ade r s assumed t ha t t he i r missions, led by the Hol y<br />

Sprit , would naturally ope r a t e properly . Leaders were<br />

answerable to no go verning author ity . At l e ast in western<br />

Newfo undland , capital investments had been deeded t o a n<br />

Individual- -Charles L. March-- who had after all a lmost<br />

sing lehandedly financed the endeavour . Ov er t i me a degree <strong>of</strong><br />

l oc a l government deve loped, a nd a r ealization that God could<br />

work t hr ough human administration. The transiti on into a<br />

de nomi nation promised central orga nization, p roviding a<br />

broader basis than the local mission. The l a r ge r body a l lowed<br />

fo r cooperative effort bet....een the various missions in areas<br />

<strong>of</strong> mu t ua l interest , primar ily ev ange l i s m. without a central<br />

voice, aberrant doctr.inal an d divisive issues arose to confuse<br />

the missions . In short, central organization brought a bo ut<br />

uniformity.24 I n Victoria , conception Bay , around Ma r ch 1925,<br />

Robert English discussed ....i t h Eugene Vaters the cur rent s tatus<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Pentecostal moveme nt in eastern Ne....foundland. Even<br />

t ho ug h the f l u i d movement was begi nning to b r oaden its ba s e ,<br />

it ....as still in ne e d <strong>of</strong> co he s i on . The pair concluded t hat<br />

after 15 years the t ime was ripe f or the moveme nt to be

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