Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland


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Pa r t <strong>of</strong> Pentecostalism's heritage includes t h e Hol ines s<br />

movement <strong>of</strong> the nineteenth ce n t u ry, which boasted a long<br />

tradition <strong>of</strong> a c c eptance t oward women in leadership . 1::: Cha r l e s<br />

G. Finney s pe a r head e d reeej,e invo lveme n t in mixe d gatherings<br />

as early as the 183 0s, despit e social strictur es a g a in s t t h e<br />

practice . 13 Many wom en j o i ned Pe ntecostalism af t e r having<br />

exercised leadership in various Holiness denom i nations . Th e<br />

Hol in es s movement s t r es se d soc ial re form; equal r i ght s f or<br />

women was part <strong>of</strong> this t h rust . Phoebe W. Pa lme r (1807-74) ,<br />

for example, ma de a size a b le imp act on ni n e t eent h cent u r y<br />

theology, re viva lism , feminism and humanitariani sm. She held<br />

in New York City fr o m 1835 t o 1874 "Tue s day Meetings for the<br />

Promotion <strong>of</strong> Holiness" . \4 Another, Hannah W. Smith (18 3 2-<br />

1911), helped spread t he Holiness movement i n Britain and<br />

throughout Europe . Sh e wa s an ardent wo r ker f or t empe rance,<br />

peace and woman s Uffrage . 15<br />

42<br />

Th e fe mi nist t hrust <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Holiness moveme n t is attributable to an expe rience -cente red<br />

t heol ogy, a t heol ogy whi ch emphas ized s p o ntaneous co nversion,<br />

ho liness and per fectionism; a nd expe r i enc e s ra t h er t h a n<br />

t r a ining , educati on or spir itual e xer cises . 16<br />

Sin ce "formal<br />

training" was closed t o wome n in any c a s e, i t is no surprise<br />

that they should gravitate to a t heol og y that does not need<br />

i t .<br />

Early Pentecostalism was a revival movement wh i c h<br />

emphasized evangelism and a sense <strong>of</strong> extreme urgency. If<br />

ch r i st 's comi ng is i mminent , then t i me f o r winning the l ost i s

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