Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Untitled - Memorial University of Newfoundland


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16 4<br />

the layper son ver-e a s sured <strong>of</strong> s t atu s , ranging f rom Pr o b...t l on -<br />

ary Lieuten a nt to c cee t satcne r , and froll adherent t o Songster<br />

Brigade . Th ose denied o fficia l status ....ith in t he est a blishe d<br />

c hurches we r e exa l ted i n the Any. S uch t i t l es, observed R .<br />

W. Di llon, "carry a c h arm with them and exert a won de r f u l<br />

influe n ce on th e holders and coveters <strong>of</strong> the sa me " . 11<br />

Where the s o ciologis t might see, e .g ., in the<br />

Salvation Army ' s military hi e r a rchy a n att r ac t ive<br />

substitute f o r a lack <strong>of</strong> social mo bility, the<br />

members cons i der it an opportun ity t o improve a n<br />

orde r e d and d i v in ely sanctioned atta ck upon t he<br />

e v ils <strong>of</strong> so c i e t y, and, by rO do i ng , establish a nd<br />

a f f i rm t hei r own ide nt i ty . 7<br />

The Pe ntecos tal move ment had no d istinct u niforms ; its<br />

pastors dressed i dentica lly with the cong r e gations. Lead ors<br />

felt that uniforms separated t oo str i ctly t he minis t e r from<br />

the congregation . Nei ther were t here s pecial ra nks and<br />

posit i on s wit hi n Pentecost a l missions; on ly t ....o cresses<br />

e xisted- -.inisters and l aypeople . Even t he t erm "Reverend "<br />

was no t use d as i t remi n ded peopl e o f the denomi nations they<br />

had l e f t . 19<br />

The Ile t hods o f t he Ar my were i nto nded t o a l l u r-e , .1nd<br />

s ucce e d ed i n at t racting attenti on . St reet preach i ng and<br />

parades led by brass ba nds were assu re d <strong>of</strong> crowd s . Out po r t<br />

fis he rm en r e g ul arly visited st. John' s o n business. t n<br />

add ition, in Marc h <strong>of</strong> each ye ar t "2 se aling f Lec t; he eded t o<br />

t he ice from St. John's. While in town, many sailors f rom<br />

Bonavista Bay North were i n f l uenced b y the sc t v a t.I c n ArllIy. 80<br />

The barr ack s were loca t ed ne a r t he water front. ma k i ng it

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