Pathfinder - Bestiary 1.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Pathfinder - Bestiary 1.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Pathfinder - Bestiary 1.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!


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514747<br />

761775<br />

761775<br />


Str 28, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11<br />

Base Atk +10; CMB +21; CMD 30<br />

feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved<br />

Bull Rush B , Improved Overrun, Power Attack<br />

Skills Appraise +6, Climb +18, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4,<br />

Knowledge (planes) +7, Perception +13, Stealth +4<br />


XP 6,400<br />

N Huge outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)<br />

Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16<br />

DEfEnSE<br />

AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)<br />

hp 136 (13d10+65)<br />

fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8<br />

DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits<br />

OffEnSE<br />

Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide<br />

Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)<br />

Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.<br />

Special Attacks earth mastery<br />


Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11<br />

Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34<br />

feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater<br />

Overrun, Improved Bull RushB , Improved Overrun,<br />

Improved Sunder, Power Attack<br />

Skills Appraise +10, Climb +25, Knowledge (dungeoneering)<br />

+10, Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +16, Stealth +7<br />


XP 12,800<br />

N Huge outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)<br />

Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +19<br />

DEfEnSE<br />

AC 23, touch 7, flat-footed 23 (–1 Dex, +16 natural, –2 size)<br />

hp 168 (16d10+80)<br />

fort +15, Ref +4, Will +10<br />

DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits<br />

OffEnSE<br />

Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide<br />

Melee 2 slams +26 (2d10+12/19–20)<br />

Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.<br />

Special Attacks earth mastery<br />


Str 34, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11<br />

Base Atk +16; CMB +30; CMD 39<br />

feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater<br />

Overrun, Improved Bull RushB , Improved Critical (slam),<br />

Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack<br />

Skills Appraise +19, Climb +31, Knowledge (dungeoneering)<br />

+19, Knowledge (planes) +19, Perception +19, Stealth +10<br />

Elemental height Weight<br />

Small 4 ft. 80 lbs.<br />

Medium 8 ft. 750 lbs.<br />

Large 16 ft. 6,000 lbs.<br />

Huge 32 ft. 48,000 lbs.<br />

Greater 36 ft. 54,000 lbs.<br />

Elder 40 ft. 60,000 lbs.<br />

Elemental, Earth<br />

Earth elementals are plodding, stubborn creatures made<br />

of living stone or earth. When utterly still, they resemble<br />

a heap of stone or a small hill.<br />

When an earth elemental lumbers into action, its<br />

actual appearance can vary, although its statistics remain<br />

identical to other elementals of its size. Most earth<br />

elementals look like terrestrial animals made out of rock,<br />

earth, or even crystal, with glowing gemstones for eyes.<br />

Larger earth elementals often have a stony humanoid<br />

appearance. Bits of vegetation frequently grow in the soil<br />

that makes up parts of an earth elemental’s body.<br />

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