Tabor Electronics Ltd. - OED

Tabor Electronics Ltd. - OED

Tabor Electronics Ltd. - OED


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4-15. Arbitrary Waveform and Sequence Command Summary<br />

The Arbitrary Waveform Commands control the segmentation of the arbitrary memory, the waveform shape, and<br />

the various bits each memory segment. The sequence commands control the segments which are linked and the<br />

number of times each segment is repeated in this loop. The commands are presented exactly as they should be<br />

typed in your program. Optional nodes were omitted from these commands.<br />

Command and Parameters<br />

TRACe #<br />

TRACe:DEFine {, }<br />

TRACe:DELete <br />

TRACe:DELete:ALL<br />

TRACe:SELect <br />

FORMat:BORDer {NORMal | SWAPped}<br />

FORMat:BORDer?<br />

SEQuence:DEFine , , <br />

SEQuence:DELete <br />

SEQuence:DELete:ALL<br />

SEQuence:SELect <br />

4-16. Modulation Command Summary<br />

The Modulation Commands control the various modulation modes that the generator is capable of handling. The<br />

Model 8024 can be amplitude, gate, and burst modulated from an internal or an external source. The commands<br />

are presented exactly as they should be typed in your program. Optional nodes were omitted from these commands.<br />

Factory defaults after *RST or front panel reset are shown in bold typeface. Parameter low and high limits are<br />

given where applicable.<br />

Command and Parameters Low Limit<br />

High Limit Default<br />

[SOURce:]<br />

AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0% 200% 50%<br />

AM?<br />

AM:INTernal:FREQuency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 65535 100<br />

AM:INTernal:FREQuency?<br />

AM:EXECute<br />

BM:NCYCles { | MINimum | MAXimum} . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 32767 1<br />

BM:NCYCles?<br />

BM:INTernal:RATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20e-6s 999s 1s<br />

BM:INTernal:RATE?<br />

BM:SOURce {EXTernal | INTernal | BUS}<br />

BM:SOURce?<br />

BM {OFF | ON}<br />

BM?<br />

BM:IMMediate<br />

GM {OFF | ON}<br />

GM?<br />

Remote Interface<br />


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