GRAPHIS ScnIPTA - Universitetet i Oslo

GRAPHIS ScnIPTA - Universitetet i Oslo

GRAPHIS ScnIPTA - Universitetet i Oslo


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GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 4 (ree?)<br />

Protoblastenia rupestrb: 5 (GT)<br />

*P. terricola:5 (GT)<br />

Protoparmelia (-ecanora) badia: 1 (OV)<br />

Protothelenella (Microglaena) coffosa: 2 (RS)<br />

*P. (Microglaena) leucothelia: 6 (RS)<br />

P. (Microglaena) sphinctinoidella: 2 (AN)<br />

P. (Microglaena) sphinctrinoides: 2 (HEG)<br />

Pseudephebe minuscula: 1 (RSU)<br />

P. pubescens: L<br />

Psora decipienr: 3 (VH), 4<br />

Psoroma hypnorum: t,2 (RSU, GT), 5<br />

Psorula (Lecidea) rufonigra: 4. -Found by E.<br />

Timdal.<br />

frcnothelia papillaria: 1 (HEG)<br />

Ramalina pollinaria: 2,3 (IH), 4, 5 (TA)<br />

Mizocafpon alpicola: I<br />

R. badioatrum: 1, 2 (TF), 3 (TF), 4 (TF), 6<br />

(sr), 7 (TF)<br />

*R cinereonigrum: L. -Det. E. Timdal.<br />

R cinereovirens: 2 (TF), 5 (SI, conf. V.<br />

Alstrup)<br />

R. concenticum: 4 (EL), 5 (TF)<br />

R. copelandii: L<br />

R distinctum: 5 (TF),6 (TF), 7 (TF)<br />

R eupetraeum: 3 (TF)<br />

R expallescens: 1 (TF)<br />

R. geminatum:2 (GT), 4 (GT), 9 (GT)<br />

R geographicum: 1., 3<br />

R. grande: 2 (GT)<br />

R hochstetteri:5 (SI, conf. V. Alstrup), 7 (TF)<br />

R. inarense: I<br />

R. lavatum: 2 (EL, TF), 3 (SI, conf. V.<br />

Alstrup)<br />

R. obscuratum: 7 (TF)<br />

R. oederi:2 (IH)<br />

R polycatpum: 2 (TF), 3 (EL)<br />

R roridulum: 1., 5<br />

R. umbilicatum: 5<br />

*Rinodina cinereovirens: 1 (HH) , Z (GT), 3, 5<br />

(GT, HH, TA), 6 (RS). -One of the collections<br />

by GT from locality 5 were epiphytic<br />

on Lobaia scrobiculata.<br />

R efflorescens: 2 (GT, HH), 5 (TA, det. T.<br />

Tonsberg), 6 (GT). -pannarin and unknown<br />

(TLC, locality 6). Not reported<br />

from AL by Santesson Lgg4 but by Foucard<br />

1990.<br />

R efigua: 5 (TF)<br />

NLF meeting 1991 27<br />

R. pyina: 5 (TF)<br />

R septentrionalis: 2 (TF), 4 (TF), 5 (TF).<br />

*Sagediopsis ftssurisedens: 1 (RS). -On Aspicilia<br />

myiniL<br />

Sagiolechia protuberanEi 5 (GT)<br />

S. rhexoblephara: 1 (GT)<br />

Sarcogtne regularu: 5<br />

Schaereria fuscocinerea (5. tenebrosa): L (EL,<br />

TF)<br />

*Sclerophora . (Coniocybe) coniophaea: z<br />

(cT),6 (AA), e (cT)<br />

Scoliciosporum umbinum: 7 (TF)<br />

Slqttea gregaia: 2 (SI, det. V. Alstrup)<br />

Solorina crocea: 1, 5 (TF), 6,7<br />

S, saccata: 5 (RSU), S (GT)<br />

Sphaerophorus fragilis:1 (RSU), 2<br />

S. globo,srls: 1 (RSU)<br />

Spilonema revertens: 3<br />

Sporastatia testudinea: L<br />

Staurothele clopima: 2 (GT), 4 (GT)<br />

S. fissa: 7 (TF)<br />

S. fuscocuprea:2, 4<br />

*5.<br />

succedens:5 (RS)<br />

Stenoqtbe pullatula: 2, 3<br />

Stereocaulon alpinum: I<br />

*5. dactylophyllum: 4 (TA)<br />

S. glareosum: a (TA)<br />

S. grande: 1r 2,3, 4<br />

S. nanodes:2<br />

S. paschale: 3 (SI), 4<br />

*5. pileatum: L,2 (GT), 6 (GT)<br />

S. ivulorum: 1 (TA),6 (TA)<br />

S. sacatile: I,2,3<br />

S. subcoralloides: 4<br />

S. tomentosum: lr 2r 3, 4, 61 7<br />

S. vesuvianum:2<br />

*Stigmidium<br />

peltideae: 5 (RS). -On peltigera<br />

aphthosa and Sctlorina saccata.<br />

*5. pumilum: a (RS). -On Physcia caesia.<br />

Tephromela (Lecidea) aglaea: 1 (TF)<br />

T. (Lecanora) atra: 1.,2, 3, 4, s<br />

Thamnolia vermicularis : I<br />

*Thelenella (Microglaena) pertusaiella: 5.<br />

On Salu sp.<br />

Theli^dium decipiens : 5<br />

T. pyrenophorum: 5 (TF)<br />

Thelocarpon epibolum:5 (TA), 6 (TA). -On<br />

locality 5 was var. epibolum collected on

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