‹nmeli Hastalarda Yaflflam Kalitesini Etkileyen ... - FTR Dergisi

‹nmeli Hastalarda Yaflflam Kalitesini Etkileyen ... - FTR Dergisi

‹nmeli Hastalarda Yaflflam Kalitesini Etkileyen ... - FTR Dergisi


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171<br />

23. Ulusal Fiziksel T›p ve Rehabilitasyon Kongresi / 23 rd National Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Congress<br />

Türk Fiz Rehab Derg 2011:57Özel Say›; 1-334 /Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2011:57Suppl; 1-334<br />

P-033<br />

Omuz a¤r›s›nda Yüz A¤r› Ölçe¤inin Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirli¤i<br />

fiebnem Koldafl Do¤an 1, Saime Ay 1, Deniz Evcik 1, Yeflim Kurtaifl 2,<br />

Derya Gökmen Öztuna 3<br />

1 Ufuk Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi Fiziksel T›p ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dal›, Ankara<br />

2 Ankara Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi Fiziksel T›p ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dal›, Ankara<br />

3 Ankara Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi Biyoistatistik Anabilim Dal›, Ankara<br />

AMAÇ: Öznel bir semptom olan a¤r›n›n yetersiz de¤erlendirimi etkin a¤r› tedavisini olumsuz<br />

etkileyebilmektedir. Kullan›lan a¤r› ölçe¤inin basit, anlafl›l›r ve geçerli olmas›, a¤r› fliddetindeki<br />

zamanla veya tedavi ile olan de¤ifliklikleri saptayabilmesi ve hedef hasta kitlesine kültürel<br />

olarak uyarlanabilme kapasitesine sahip olmas› gereklidir. Bu çal›flman›n amac› kronik a¤r›s›<br />

olan hastalarda, basit ve okuma-yazmas› olmayan hastalara bile uygulanabilecek Yüz A¤r›<br />

Ölçe¤i (YAÖ) de¤iflime duyarl›l›¤›n› da belirleyerek klinik kullan›m›n› de¤erlendirmek ve bu<br />

hastalarda kronik a¤r›n›n psikolojik durum ve yaflam kalitesi üzerine etkisi olup olmad›¤›n›<br />

araflt›rmakt›r.<br />

GEREÇ-YÖNTEM: 30 hasta (18 kad›n, 12 erkek, yafl ortalamas› 52) çal›flmaya dahil edildi. A¤r›<br />

modeli olarak kronik omuz a¤r›s› seçildi. Detayl› klinik muayenenin ard›ndan a¤r› fliddeti<br />

geçerlili¤i ve güvenilirli¤i olan YAÖ ve görsel analog skala (VAS) ile, psikolojik durum Beck<br />

Depresyon Anketi (BDE) ile, yaflam kalitesi ise K›sa Form-36 (SF-36) ile de¤erlendirildi. Tüm<br />

hastalara 15 gün boyunca s›cak paket, ultrason, transkutanöz elektrik stimülasyonu (TENS) ve<br />

egzersizden oluflan fizik tedavi program› uyguland›. Tüm de¤erlendirmeler tedavi öncesi ve<br />

sonras› yap›ld›.<br />

BULGULAR: Yüz a¤r› ölçe¤i ile tedavi öncesi ve sonras› VAS (s›ras›yla; r=0,618 ve 0,728),<br />

SF-36 (r=-0,578-0,800) ve BDE skorlar› (r=0,398) aras›nda iyi-orta düzeylerde korelasyon<br />

saptand›. Her iki a¤r› ölçe¤i ile de¤erlendirilen a¤r› fliddetinde tedavi sonras›nda istatistiksel<br />

olarak anlaml› azalma saptand› (p=0,000). Tedavi sonras› ortalama YAÖ de¤erlerindeki azalma<br />

(3.8±1,4-1,4±0,7, p=0,000) ve standardize yan›t ortalamas›n›n (SRM=2,35) de¤eri nedeni ile<br />

ölçe¤in de¤iflimi de¤erlendirmede yeterli oldu¤u kabul edildi. Tedavi sonras›nda BDE<br />

skorlar›nda (p=0,000) ve SF-36 alt skorlar›nda (fiziksel fonksiyon, fiziksel rol, vücut a¤r›s›,<br />

genel sa¤l›k, sosyal fonksiyon ve emosyonel rol; s›ras›yla p= 0,000, 0,001, 0,000, 0,009, 0,049<br />

ve 0,023) anlaml› düzelme gözlendi.<br />

SONUÇ: Yüz a¤r› ölçe¤i kronik omuz a¤r›s› olan hastalarda a¤r› fliddetini belirlemede<br />

kolayl›kla kullan›labilen, geçerli, zamanla veya tedaviye ba¤l› olarak a¤r› fliddetindeki<br />

de¤ifliklikleri belirleyebilme özelli¤ine sahip basit bir ölçektir. Di¤er a¤r›l› durumlarda da, özellikle<br />

e¤itim düzeyi yetersiz bireylerde, kullan›lmas› önerilebilir.<br />

Anahtar Kelimeler: A¤r›, depresyon, yaflam kalitesi, yüz a¤r› ölçe¤i<br />

P-034<br />

Lomber Omurgada Sessiz Bir Monostotik Fibröz Displazi: Olgu Sunumu<br />

Reyhan Çeliker1, Nurten Korkmaz1, Serdar Özgen2, Ercan Karaaslan 3,<br />

Behram Kaya2, Yeflim Sa¤l›can 4, Abdullah Yakupo¤lu 3<br />

1Maslak Ac›badem Hastanesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü, ‹stanbul<br />

2Maslak Ac›badem Hastanesi Nöroflirurji Bölümü, ‹stanbul<br />

3Maslak Ac›badem Hastanesi Radyoloji Bölümü, ‹stanbul<br />

4Maslak Ac›badem Hastanesi Patoloji Bölümü, ‹stanbul<br />

Fibröz displazi(FD), kemik trabeküler dokusunun fibröz doku ile yer de¤ifltirmesi ile oluflan iyi<br />

huylu bir kemik hastal›¤›d›r. Monostotik ad› verilen formda tek bir odak vard›r. Polistotik formda<br />

ise birden fazla bölgede görülmektedir. Lezyonlar s›kl›kla kostalarda, femurda, tibiada,<br />

maksillada ve kalvariumda bulunmaktad›r. Monostotik FD, polistotik formdan daha yayg›n<br />

olmas›na karfl›n, omurgada monostotik lezyonlar çok nadir bulunmaktad›r ve literatürde tek<br />

olgu raporlar› fleklinde bildirilmifltir. Sundu¤umuz olgu lomber omurgada gözlenen nadir<br />

bildirilmifl sessiz bir monostotik FD olgusudur. Otuz yedi yafl›nda erkek hasta poliklini¤imize 2<br />

ayd›r süren s›rt ve sol kürek kemi¤i üzerinde a¤r› flikayetiyle baflvurmufltur. Fizik<br />

incelemesinde sol supraspinatus kas› üzerinde tetik nokta ve gergin bant saptanm›fl, nörolojik<br />

muayenesi normal bulunmufltur. Servikal ve dorsal vertebra X ray'lerinde L1 vertebra korpusunun<br />

yüksekli¤inde azalma gözlenmifltir. Bunun üzerine hastaya spinal MR yap›lm›flt›r.<br />

Servikal MR'da C5-6 ve C6-7 de sol paramedian köklere bas› yapan disk protrüzyonu<br />

gözlenirken, lomber MR'da L1 vertebra korpusunda, sa¤ pedikül, lamina ve transvers proseste<br />

ekspansil, 4,5x7,2 cm boyutlar›nda ölçülen, heterojen sinyalli, yo¤un kontrast madde tutan<br />

tümöral kitle gözlenmifltir. Nöroflirurji bölümüne konsülte edilen hastadan biyopsi al›nm›fl ve<br />

sonucu FD ile uyumlu bulunmufltur. Hastan›n MR bulgular› 16 ay önce çekilen lomber MR bulgular›<br />

ile karfl›laflt›r›lm›fl ve lezyonda anlaml› büyüme gözlenmemifltir. Nöroflirurji bölümünce<br />

hastaya cerrahi giriflim önerilmifltir. Omurgada gözlenen ve osteolitik lezyonlar› taklit eden<br />

monostotik FD'ler, genellikle sessiz lezyonlar olduklar›ndan, baflka nedenlerle yap›lan<br />

incelemelerde saptanmaktad›rlar. Nadir olan ve tesadüfen belirlenen bu lezyonlar›n do¤al<br />

seyirleri ve ideal tedavileri konusunda net bir bilgi oluflturulamam›flt›r. Omurgadaki monostotik<br />

FD olgular›n›n bildirimi bu tümörlerin karekteristiklerini belirlemek ve uzun süreli izlem<br />

ile de¤iflimlerini gözlemlemek aç›s›ndan önem tafl›maktad›r.<br />

Anahtar Kelimeler: Vertebra, fibröz displazi, vertebra tümörleri<br />

P-033<br />

The Validity And Reliability of Face Pain Scale in Shoulder Pain<br />

fiebnem Koldafl Do¤an 1, Saime Ay 1, Deniz Evcik 1, Yeflim Kurtaifl 2,<br />

Derya Gökmen Öztuna 3<br />

1 Ufuk University School of Medicine Department of Physical<br />

Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ankara<br />

2 Ankara University School of Medicine Department of Physical<br />

Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ankara<br />

3 Ankara University School of Medicine Department of Biostatistics, Ankara<br />

OBJECTIVE: Inadequate assessment of pain which is a subjective symptom, hampers<br />

effective pain management. A pain scale should be easy, simple, valid, able to detect changes<br />

in pain severity over time or after treatment, and culturally adaptable to the target patient<br />

population. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical utility of Face Pain Scale (FPS)<br />

that can be applied even to illiterate patients, to determine sensitivity to change in patients<br />

with shoulder pain and to determine whether chronic pain had effects on psychologic status<br />

and quality of life of these patients.<br />

MATERIALS-METHODS: Thirty patients (18 females, 12 males, mean age 52) were included in<br />

the study. Chronic shoulder pain was chosen as a chronic pain model. After detailed clinical<br />

examination, pain, psychologic status and quality of life were evaluated with reliable and valid<br />

tools of Faces Pain Scale (FPS) and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Beck Depression Inventory<br />

(BDI) and Short Form-36 (SF-36). Physical therapy program including hotpack, ultrasound,<br />

transcutaneous electrical stimulation and exercises were applied to all patients during 15 sessions.<br />

All assessments were done before and after the treatment.<br />

RESULTS: Good-moderate correlations were detected between FPS and VAS (r=0.618 and<br />

0.728, respectively) SF-36 scores (r=-0.578-0.800) before and after the treatment and BDI<br />

scores (r=0.398) before the treatment. There was a statistically significant decrease in pain<br />

severity after the treatment as indicated by both pain scales (p=0.000). The scale was<br />

accepted as sufficient in evaluating change because of the reduction in mean FPS values<br />

(3.8±1.4-1.4±0.7, p=0.000) and standardized response mean (SRM) value of FPS of 2.35. There<br />

were also statistically significant improvements in BDI scores (p=0.000) and in subscales of<br />

SF-36 (physical functioning, physical role, bodily pain, general health, social functioning and<br />

emotional role; p=0.000, p=0.001, p=0.000, p=0.009, p=0.049 and p=0.023, respectively).<br />

CONCLUSION: Face Pain Scale is a simple and a valid scale with ease of use that has the ability<br />

to detect changes in pain severity over time or due to the treatment in patients with shoulder<br />

pain. The use of this scale can be suggested in other painful conditions, especially in individuals<br />

with low education levels.<br />

Keywords: Pain, depression, quality of life, faces pain scale<br />

P-034<br />

A case of silent monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the lumbar spine<br />

Reyhan Çeliker 1, Nurten Korkmaz 1, Serdar Özgen 2, Ercan Karaaslan 3,<br />

Behram Kaya 2, Yeflim Sa¤l›can 4, Abdullah Yakupo¤lu 3<br />

1 Maslak Ac›badem Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Istanbul<br />

2 Maslak Ac›badem Hospital Neurosurgery, Istanbul<br />

3 Maslak Ac›badem Hospital Radiology, Istanbul<br />

5 Maslak Ac›badem Hospital Pathology,Istanbul<br />

Fibrous dysplasia is a benign disorder of bone in which proliferating fibrous tissue replaces<br />

the bony spongiosa. It may occur as a solitary lesion, which is called monostotic fibrous<br />

dysplasia. It can also present in multiple or polyostotic form. Lesions are most commonly<br />

encountered in ribs, femur, tibia, maxilla and calvaria. Although the monostotic form is more<br />

common than polyostotic form, monostotic lesions occur extremely rare in the spine and<br />

most cases of monostotic fibrous dysplasia documented in the literature appear as a few<br />

case reports. We described a case of silent, rarely reported, monostotic fibrous dysplasia of<br />

the lumbar spine. A 37 year old man was admitted to our clinic with the complaint of back<br />

pain lasting more than two months. On clinical examination, there was a trigger point and<br />

taut band on the left supraspinatus muscle, there was no neurological deficit. On X-ray of the<br />

cervical and thoracic spine, a decrease in height of corpus of first lumbar vertebra was<br />

detected. Subsequently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the entire vertebral<br />

column was performed. On lumbar MRI, an expansile tumoral lesion measured 4.5x7.2 cm in<br />

diameter, showing intense contrast accumulations with heterogenous signal was<br />

demonstrated in the corpus of L1 vertebra, right pedicle, lamina and transverse process.<br />

Patient was consulted by the department of Neurosurgery and a tissue sample was obtained<br />

from the lesion. The pathological diagnosis was fibrous dysplasia. Previous lumbar MRI which<br />

was performed 16 months earlier was compared with the current scan and no significant<br />

change was reported. Surgical resection was recommmended by the department of<br />

Neurosurgery. Since these non-neoplastic conditions which are observed on spine and simulate<br />

osteolytic tumors of the bone are ordinary silent lesions, they are usually identified incidentally<br />

during examinations or imaging studies performed for other unrelated medical conditions.<br />

As they are very rare and usually diagnosed incidentally, a common consensus is not<br />

reached about the ideal treatment and the natural history of these lesions. Reporting these<br />

fibrous dysplasia cases is very important for determination of their characteristics and long<br />

term follow up of their possible malignant transformation.<br />

Keywords: Vertebra, fibrous dysplasia, vertebral tumor

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