‹nmeli Hastalarda Yaflflam Kalitesini Etkileyen ... - FTR Dergisi

‹nmeli Hastalarda Yaflflam Kalitesini Etkileyen ... - FTR Dergisi

‹nmeli Hastalarda Yaflflam Kalitesini Etkileyen ... - FTR Dergisi


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175<br />

23. Ulusal Fiziksel T›p ve Rehabilitasyon Kongresi / 23 rd National Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Congress<br />

Türk Fiz Rehab Derg 2011:57Özel Say›; 1-334 /Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2011:57Suppl; 1-334<br />

P-042<br />

Kompleks Bölgesel A¤r› Sendromu Tip II’nin Efllik Etti¤i<br />

Karpal Tünel Sendromu<br />

Nilgün fiimflir Atalay 1, Nuray Akkaya 1, Selcen Alkan 2, Füsun fiahin 1<br />

1 Pamukkale Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dal›, Denizli<br />

2 Denizli Devlet Hastanesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Klini¤i, Denizli<br />

G‹R‹fi: Karpal tünel sendromu (KTS), median sinirin karpal tünel içinde s›k›flmas› sonucu, parmaklarda<br />

a¤r›, parestezi ve hipoestezi ile bulgu veren tuzak nöropatisidir. Karpal tünel<br />

gevfletme operasyonu yap›lan hastalarda kompleks bölgesel a¤r› sendromu (KBAS) geliflebildi¤ini<br />

bildiren yay›nlar olmas›na ra¤men, opere edilmemifl ve tedavi almam›fl KTS vakalar›nda<br />

KBAS komplikasyonu s›k bildirilen bir durum de¤ildir. Bu olgu sunumunda EMG’sinde ileri<br />

derecede KTS tan›s› alan hastam›zda operasyon öncesi saptanan KBAS klini¤i tan›mland›.<br />

OLGU: Otuz befl yafl›nda, kad›n hasta, yaklafl›k 2 ay önce bafllayan sa¤ el ilk 3 parmakta hissizlik,<br />

güçsüzlük, özellikle geceleri olan uyuflma ve bu flikayetlerden 3 hafta sonra bafllayan el<br />

bile¤inde fliddetli a¤r› yak›nmas› ile baflvurdu. Hastan›n öyküsünde tarlada çal›flma, elini afl›r›<br />

kullan›m mevcuttu. Muayenesinde elde ödem, s›cakl›k art›fl›, terleme, el bile¤i ve metakarpofalangeal<br />

(MKF) eklemlerde presyonla belirgin a¤r›s› vard›. Bafl parmak abduksiyonu kas gücü<br />

-4/5 de¤erinde olup çok a¤r›l› idi. Tinel, Phalen ve ters Phalen testlerinde pozitiflik mevcuttu.<br />

Görsel Analog Skalas› (GAS) ile hastan›n a¤r› fliddeti de¤erlendirildi¤inde GAS de¤eri 9<br />

idi. Hastan›n üst ekstremite dizabilitesini de¤erlendiren Disability of Arm, Shoulder and Hand<br />

Questionnaire kullan›ld›¤›nda de¤eri 75 idi. Yap›lan EMG’si ileri düzeyde KTS ile uyumlu idi. Çekilen<br />

Tc-99m MDP üç fazl› kemik sintigrafisinde görülen de¤ifliklikler KBAS lehine yorumland›.<br />

Laboratuvar incelemesi normaldi. Bu verilerle KBAS tan›s› konulan hastaya 3 hafta sürede<br />

azalt›larak kesilecek flekilde 30 mg prednizolon baflland›. Z›t banyo ve aktif eklem hareket<br />

aç›kl›¤› egzersizleri tarif edildi. Tedavi bitiminde hastan›n elindeki ödem, k›zar›kl›k, terleme<br />

bulgular› gerilemiflti. El bilek ve MKF eklemlerdeki presyonla GAS’› 1'di. Ancak parmaklardaki<br />

uyuflma, klinik testlerindeki pozitiflik halen devam ediyordu. Hastan›n a¤r›s› azald›ktan sonraki<br />

kas gücü -5/5 de¤erinde idi. EMG bulgular› da göz önünde tutularak hasta operasyona yönlendirildi.<br />

Operasyon sonras› hastan›n mevcut flikayetleri tamamen geriledi.<br />

SONUÇ: S›k rastlanan ve elektrofizyolojik testlerle kolayl›kla tan› konabilen KTS’ye efllik eden<br />

klinik bulgular varl›¤›nda KBAS tan›s›ndan flüphelenilmesi oluflabilecek deformitelerin önlenmesi<br />

aç›s›ndan önemlidir.<br />

Anahtar Kelimeler: Karpal tünel sendromu, kompleks bölgesel a¤r› sendromu, tedavi<br />

P-043<br />

Kum Torbas›na Yumruk Atma Sonras› Geliflen Kanat Skapula<br />

Nilgün fiimflir Atalay, Sibel Konukcu, Özlem Ercido¤an, Füsun fiahin<br />

Pamukkale Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dal›, Denizli<br />

G‹R‹fi: Kanat skapula (KS), skapulan›n medial kenar›n›n veya inferior aç›s›n›n gö¤üs<br />

duvar›ndan uzaklaflmas›d›r. KS, nörolojik hasarlanma, kemik veya periskapuler yumuflak dokudaki<br />

patolojik de¤iflikliklere ya da glenohumeral ve subakromial patolojilere ba¤l› olarak<br />

oluflabilir. Uzun torasik sinirin; direkt kompresyonu, tekrarlayan gerilme yaralanmalar›, künt<br />

travma, nevraljik brakial pleksus amyotrofi veya toraksa yönelik operasyonlarda hasar› serratus<br />

anterior kas›n›n güçsüzlü¤üne yol açarak kanat skapula ile sonuçlanabilir. Bu olguda kum<br />

torbas›na yumruk atma sonras› izole uzun torasik sinir hasar›na ba¤l› geliflen kanat skapula<br />

klini¤i tan›mlanm›flt›r.<br />

OLGU: Yirmi bir yafl›nda erkek, üniversite ö¤rencisi olan hasta, 4 ay önce oyun salonunda güç<br />

denemesi için kum torbas›na yumruk atma sonras›nda sa¤ omuzda fliddetli a¤r› flikayeti bafllam›fl.<br />

Bu flikayet ile bu sürede birçok hekime baflvuran hastaya omuz X-Ray ve manyetik rezonans<br />

görüntülemesi yap›lm›fl, sonuçlar› normal olarak belirtilerek kas zorlanmas› tan›s›yla<br />

NSA‹‹ ve miyorelaksan verilmifl, ancak flikayetleri tam olarak geçmeyince ortopedi taraf›ndan<br />

fizik tedavi amac›yla poliklini¤imize yönlendirilmiflti. Hastan›n muayenesinde inspeksiyonda<br />

sa¤da belirgin kanat skapulas› mevcuttu. Sa¤ üst ekstremite aktif ve pasif eklem hareketleri<br />

aç›k, a¤r›l›, serratus anterior kas gücü 1/5 iken di¤er kas güçleri tam, derin tendon refleksleri<br />

normoaktif, duyu defisiti yoktu. ‹mpingement testleri ve glenohumeral instabilite testlerinde<br />

özellik saptanmad›. Di¤er ekstremitelerin nörolojik muayeneleri normaldi. Hastan›n özgeçmiflinde<br />

özellik yoktu. Laboratuvar incelemesinde tam kan say›m›, sedimentasyon ve CRP normaldi.<br />

Hastan›n yap›lan EMG’sinde sa¤da serratus anterior kas›nda akut spontan aktiviteler<br />

(pozitif keskin dalga, fibrilasyon potansiyelleri), interferansta azalma saptand›. Di¤er incelenen<br />

kaslar ve üst ekstremite sinir iletim çal›flmalar› normaldi. Bu bulgularla uzun torasik sinirin<br />

k›smi subakut aksonal dejenerasyonu olarak raporland›. Bu verilerle fizik tedavi rehabilitasyon<br />

program›na al›nan hastaya omuz eklem hareket aç›kl›¤› ve serratus anteriora güçlendirme<br />

egzersizleri verildi. Hasta takibe al›nd›.<br />

SONUÇ: Farkl› tan›larla kar›flabilen ve gözden kaçabilen bu klinik patolojinin nedenlerinin<br />

ortaya konmas› olusabilecek komplikasyonlar›n önlenmesi aç›s›ndan çok önemlidir.<br />

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kanat skapula, uzun torasik sinir, periferik sinir yaralanmas›<br />

P-042<br />

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Accompanied with Complex Regional Pain<br />

Syndrome Type II<br />

Nilgün fiimflir Atalay1, Nuray Akkaya1, Selcen Alkan2, Füsun fiahin1 1Pamukkale University Medical School Department of<br />

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Denizli<br />

2Denizli Government Hospital, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic, Denizli<br />

INTRODUCTION: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is an entrapment neuropathy with pain in the<br />

fingers, paresthesia and hypoesthesia as a result of the compression of the median nerve.<br />

Although there are publications stating that carpal tunnel relaxation surgery can cause complex<br />

regional pain syndrome (CRPS), CRPS complication is rare in patients who are not treated<br />

or not operated for CTS. In this case presentation, CRPS was clinically determined before<br />

the operation in a patient diagnosed as advanced carpal tunnel syndrome on electrodiagnostic<br />

investigation.<br />

CASE: Thirty-five year-old female patient applied with weakness, numbness in first 3 fingers<br />

of right hand, especially at night, starting approximately 2 months ago, and severe pain on<br />

right wrist 3 weeks after the onset of the symptoms. Patient’s history showed agricultural<br />

work and extreme uses of hand. On the examination, edema on the hand, increased heat,<br />

sweating, pain with pressure on wrist and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints were found.<br />

Thumb abduction muscle strength was -4/5 and painful. Tinnel, Phalen and Reverse Phalen<br />

tests showed positive results. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was 9 in severity of pain. In evaluating<br />

disability of the patient's upper limb, Disability of Arm, Shoulder and Hand<br />

Questionnaire was used, and the score was found 75. EMG showed positive correlation with<br />

advanced CTS. Three-phased bone scintigraphy with Tc-99m MDP results were interpreted<br />

as CRPS. Laboratory tests were normal. Prednisolon starting from 30 mg was given to the<br />

patient, stopped at the end of the third week by decremental dose regimen with the diagnosis<br />

of CRPS. Contrast bath and active range of motion exercises were explained to the<br />

patient.. At the end of the treatment, edema of the hand, redness and sweating symptoms<br />

had decreased. Wrist and MCP joint VAS score with pressure were one. Numbness in fingers<br />

and positive results of clinical tests have still continued. Her muscle strength was -5/5 after<br />

the relief of pain. Patient was advised for operation according to EMG results. All complaints<br />

regressed completely after the surgery.<br />

CONCLUSIONS: Suspecting of CRPS accompanied to CTS, which is generally seen and<br />

can be easily diagnosed with electrophysiological tests, can reduce or prevent possible<br />

deformities<br />

Keywords: Carpal tunnel syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, treatment<br />

P-043<br />

Winged Scapula which Occurred After Punching a Sand Bag<br />

Nilgün fiimflir Atalay, Sibel Konukcu, Özlem Ercido¤an, Füsun fiahin<br />

Pamukkale University Medical School Department of Physical<br />

Medicine and Rehabilitation, Denizli<br />

INTRODUCTION: Winged scapula (WS) is moving away of scapula’s medial border or inferior<br />

angle from thorax wall. WS can be caused by neurological trauma, pathological changes in<br />

bone or pericapsular soft tissue or glenohumeral and subacromial pathologies. Direct compression<br />

to the long thoracic nerve, repeated tensile trauma, blunt trauma, neuralgic brachial<br />

plexus amyotrophy or surgeries on thorax can lead to the weakness in the serratus anterior<br />

muscle, thus resulting in WS. In this case, WS clinical manifestation due to the isolated long<br />

thoracic nerve damage after punching the sandbag was explained.<br />

CASE: Twenty-one year old male patient, university student presented with the complaint of<br />

severe pain in right shoulder which began after punching a sandbag 4 months ago in the<br />

gym. Consulting to many physicians because of this pain, his X-ray and magnetic resonance<br />

imagining the results were normal and he was diagnosed as muscle strain thus NSAID and<br />

myorelaxatings were given. His pain did not decrease. He consulted orthopedics from where<br />

he was referred to our clinic. His physical examination determined visible winged scapula on<br />

the right. Right upper limb active and passive range of motion were normal but with pain.<br />

Serratus anterior muscle strength was 1/5 whereas other muscle strengths were normal,<br />

deep tendon reflexes were normoactive, sensory deficit was not determined. Pathologic findings<br />

were not detected in the impingement tests and glenohumeral instability tests.<br />

Neurological examinations of other extremities were normal. The patient had no other feature<br />

in history. In laboratory tests, complete blood count, sedimentation rate and CRP were<br />

normal. EMG showed acute spontaneous activities (positive sharp wave, fibrillation potentials)<br />

and decrease in interference on right serratus anterior muscle. Other investigated muscles<br />

and upper limb nerve conduction tests were normal. With these findings, subacute partial<br />

axonal degeneration of the long thoracic nerve was reported. A rehabilitation program<br />

consisting of shoulder joint range of motion and serratus anterior strengthening exercises<br />

were given to the patient. The patient was being followed up.<br />

CONCLUSIONS: Finding out the causes of this clinical pathology which can be missed or confused<br />

with other diagnosis has critical importance to avoid complications.<br />

Keywords: Winged scapula, long thoracic nerve, peripheric nerve injury

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