Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10


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In spite of all the alleged efforts put into the production of the Eizenstat report, somehow the undersecretary<br />

managed to overlook the overriding fact that the great bulk of Jewish funds deposited in Swiss banks prior<br />

to 1945 had been sent by the Swiss to the United States for safekeeping, just after the outbreak of WWII<br />

in Europe. There are many documents in the U.S. archives that also prove beyond a doubt that in 1941,<br />

the U.S. government, acting on specific orders of President Franklin Roosevelt, froze these identified<br />

Jewish assets, which amounted to more than $250 million, and of which the United States reluctantly<br />

returned only $500,000 after the end of the war.<br />

A logical person might well wonder how the Swiss can return assets which were not looted by the Germans<br />

or themselves, but by FDR, fighter for freedom and beau ideal of the ultra-left in the United States<br />

and the Soviet Union.<br />

mr. roth<br />

pict. of gold bars<br />


The bosses of the American mainstream media are fully aware of this wholesale theft because the documents<br />

covering it are readily available in U.S. archives and have been repeatedly consulted over the past<br />

several years by members of the same media that is now screeching for the evil Swiss to please send<br />

billions in gold to Bronfman’s private club. As usual, the media enjoys hoisting its flabby bulk up onto a<br />

creaking hobby-horse called “Moral Issues” and chanting whatever message their publishers and ideological<br />

friends hand to them.<br />

Though the facts at issue might be at direct variance to the moralistic squealings now seen in print and<br />

watched on television, the U.S. media cares not one whit. At one time, the American press—and later<br />

television—were the only means by which the public were informed about the world and national affairs.<br />

The media could be easily controlled and directed by the governmental bureaucracy and their supporters<br />

and the only messages that the public received were such views as were acceptable to those who directed<br />

the messages. With the fortunate advent of an alternative media, this monopoly of news has begun to<br />

atrophy but members of the mainstream media are so arrogant and so ignorant of reality that they go on<br />

their way lecturing their readers and viewers as if they were actually believed and respected.<br />

They pontificate at every opportunity on their favorite foods, media and sports heroes and their owner’s<br />

political views. Possessed of a purulent itch to be noticed and a misguided sense of self-importance, these<br />

intellectually empty drums have made a good deal of unwelcome noise in decades past. Their self-esteem<br />

blinds them to the fact that their noise and arrogance is now generally ignored and their advice rejected.<br />

In this case, the shrill, ideological and arrogant mouthing have had a decidedly negative impact on those<br />

very persons upon whom the moral avatars of U.S. political—and economic—life desire to control, the<br />


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