Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10


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The frequencies and wave patterns of this virtual particle flux (Flux: the river of energy [virtual photons and<br />

particles] filling what we call the vacuum or ether) interact and interfere with each other to create by<br />

concentration what we call mass or matter. The different frequencies create different matter such as argon,<br />

carbon, lead, or gold.<br />

There are patterns to these frequencies. The basic patterns create what we call atoms. The patterns are<br />

arranged in harmonics of octaves. There are believed to be ten octaves by some, nine octaves by others.<br />

The pulsing frequency from the virtual or vacuum side of reality creates atoms, such as an atom of helium<br />

(atomic mass 4.0). As the frequency increases, the helium becomes lithium (atomic mass 7.03), then<br />

beryllium (9.1), then boron (11.0), then carbon (12.0), then nitrogen (14.04), then oxygen (16.0), then<br />

fluorine (19). This completes one cycle of the octave; in this case the helium cycle is the fifth octave wave.<br />

The Mendeleev Table of the Elements as presented in the textbooks is wrong. The Table of Nature is<br />

actually arranged in a spiral.<br />

The spiral in nature is illustrated in the spiral growth pattern of the nautilus sea shell. This is called the<br />

Golden Section ratio in art, and in math is known as a graph of the Fibonacci number series.<br />

The chaos of the random virtual particle flux, also known as the vacuum of space, is ordered by the Mind<br />

of God into a basic pattern known as the Fibonacci spiral. Everything else that exists is created from this<br />

basic spiral pattern. All of Creation is wave frequency/frequencies. All of Creation is in spirals.<br />


The Divine Proportion, also called the Golden Mean or the Golden Section, is the division of a length so<br />

that the smaller part is to the greater part as the greater part is the whole. In algebra this is expressed as<br />

AP:AB = PB:AP<br />

or<br />

AP<br />

AB<br />

which will always equal approximately 0.618 (we say approximately because it is an irrational number, the<br />

decimal places never end). This number 0.618 is called the Golden Number. For quick figuring such as<br />

graphing and designing artwork, 5/8 is often used (which equals .625).<br />

The Fibonacci series of numbers is:<br />

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 6<strong>10</strong>, 987, 1597, 2584, ....<br />


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