Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10


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And, the Program Manager for Mars Surveyor at N.A.S.A. Headquarters in Washington, Mary K. Olsen,<br />

went to J.P.L. in Pasadena a few months ago, and wound up in a hospital with a very strange and anomalous<br />

embolism, and died. She was only 35 years old!<br />

Richard contends that the number of N.A.S.A. employees is not that great, and to now see so many of<br />

them suddenly dying violent deaths does not make sense, unless you weigh this against the lies N.A.S.A.<br />

has been foisting off on the public about their projects in space. Did the above-mentioned employees<br />

know too much that they were unwilling to keep quiet about? Were they threatening to expose N.A.S.A.<br />

secrets? As with the death of the Clintons’ friend, Vincent Foster, we may never know.<br />

Richard Hoagland suggests the possibility that what N.A.S.A. is showing us could be filmed anywhere on<br />

planet Earth. [And by the way, don’t miss the inset “letter to the editor” printed in a recent issue of<br />

a major Canadian newspaper, on the next page, for a provocative possibility related to the above<br />

sentence.] He then made a plea to our intelligence: “Please, folks, listen carefully.... Part of this, to me, is<br />

an exercise in process, because I want people to really think about how we view and decide on reality....<br />

You are looking at what people are claiming is from another planet.... We are now at the level of technology<br />

where that degree of faking is absolutely possible.... I want people to keep an open mind and continue<br />

to ask [the] hard questions.”<br />

Art Bell then proceeded to take phone calls from listeners with questions for Richard Hoagland. The<br />

overwhelming majority of callers leaned toward believing that Richard was accurate in his presentation. It<br />

looks like more people are waking up all the time.<br />

But what is so intriguing about the region of Cydonia, and why would N.A.S.A. (i.e., our government) not<br />

want us to know about a mission there? To answer this question we may need to go back to the 1972<br />

Mariner 9 space probe.<br />

The Nov.-Dec. 1980 issue of Frontiers of Science magazine, Vol. III, No.1, ran an article about “Pyramids<br />

on Mars”, by Francis Graham. The article begins, [quoting:]<br />

There are pyramids on Mars. They were discovered in 1972 by the Mariner 9 space probe, which<br />

orbited Mars and completely reconnoitered the Martian surface by television.<br />

The pyramids are located in the eastern part of the plateau of Elysium in the region known as Trivium<br />

Charontis. These pyramids are tetrahedral in shape, having the form of a three-sided pyramid, whereas<br />

the famous pyramids of Giza in Egypt are four-sided. Near the Martian pyramids are other rectangularsided<br />

polygonal structures, resembling buildings. Altogether, at least ten structures are clearly seen in the<br />

area.<br />

The most incredible thing about these pyramids is their colossal size. They are, at the largest, three thousand<br />

meters across at the base, and the added polygonal assemblies are six thousand meters in diameter.<br />

The largest of these pyramids is about a thousand meters tall, or five-eighths of a mile. The magnificent<br />

pyramids of Egypt are simply dwarfed by these behemoth counterparts. The “Great” Pyramid of Cheops<br />

is 480 feet high and 760 feet wide. The Martian pyramids are roughly ten times taller and ten times<br />

broader. They occupy a volume a thousand times greater. [End quoting]<br />


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