Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 208 - Four Winds 10


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unendingly. Thought and effort and concentration creates life and all that is, while rest and expansion and<br />

radiation is the opposite side of the cycle. All is light expressed electromagnetically.<br />

Desire is the cause of all motion. An unmoving Idea creates Desire in Mind which is expressed electrically<br />

by projecting the unmoving One Light of Mind two ways to create the two electrically opposite waves of<br />

(apparent) motion in the brain of a human, or in the apparent “vacuum” of space. The light waves mix and<br />

create mass or matter, such as for instance, iron. A piece of iron is a piece of light. If you heat iron, it<br />

begins to release some of its light and begins to glow in various colors. A piece of carbon has/is a different<br />

mixture of light, and a scientist, using a spectrometer, can tell from the glow of light what element the light<br />

pattern represents.<br />

The Earth and all on it are a motion picture, projected from the Sun! If the Sun were suddenly switched<br />

off, the Earth would disappear! In a sense, the Sun is our creator, just as all of the more developed ancient<br />

philosophies have stated. The ancient Egyptians called the Sun Aton, or Hatonn with a beginning and<br />

ending silent “h” and “n.” Even the ancient Egyptians may not have understood fully and the historians<br />

probably misunderstood and misrepresented what they described of the Egyptians. The nightless Sun is a<br />

lens focus of God’s Light. The Sun divides the light and creates planets which divide day and night.<br />

The form of the dividing light wave is most often represented on a graph as a two-dimensional S or Sine<br />

wave. This is misleading, as the actual form of the basic universal wave is a 3- or 4-dimensional spiral.<br />


For some time, the atom was considered to be the ultimate particle. Then the concept was developed<br />

of an atom consisting of electrons flying around a proton-and-neutron core. Then even more “ultimate”<br />

particles were “discovered”: baryons, leptons, hadrons, photons, mesons, positrons, muons, pions, gravitons,<br />

kaons. And there are the charming quarks copied from James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake. Is there<br />

no end?<br />

In my opinion, the real ultimate particle is the peon. The peon is the one that does all the work.<br />

Seriously, I have felt for many years that there is no such thing as an “ultimate particle”. The more I learn,<br />

the more I am convinced this is so. Someone comes up with an idea of an “ultimate” particle, and if enough<br />

accept it, that makes it real. Some particles were originally conceived as jokes, but scientists started<br />

accepting them, and now they are mostly accepted as real. I suppose if enough people accept Santa<br />

Claus, that makes him real.<br />

Humans, being somewhat creative beings, “create” the “ultimate particle”. Then along comes another<br />

scientist who proposes a more ultimate particle. If enough accept it, it becomes accepted as real. “My<br />

ultimate particle is more ultimate than your ultimate particle.”<br />

The whole concept is WRONG! The concept of the Bohr/Rutherford atom with a solid core and electrons<br />

flying around is wrong. Everything in nature is a ring with a hole in it. The atom if you want to call it<br />

that consists of rings of force around a center zero-point axis which expands into a hole as the rings expand<br />

and decentrate. The tornado (or cyclone) is an example of spiraling rings of force around a still axis center.<br />


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