Gresham Capital CLO IV B.V. - Irish Stock Exchange

Gresham Capital CLO IV B.V. - Irish Stock Exchange

Gresham Capital CLO IV B.V. - Irish Stock Exchange


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“Euro zone” means the region comprised of Member States of the European Union that<br />

have adopted the single currency in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European<br />

Community, as amended by the Treaty on European Union; and<br />

“Class A1B Margin” means 0.23 per cent. per annum.<br />

“Class A2 Margin” means 0.32 per cent. per annum.<br />

“Class B Margin” means 0.42 per cent. per annum.<br />

“Class C Margin” means 0.70 per cent. per annum.<br />

“Class D Margin” means 1.70 per cent. per annum.<br />

“Class E Margin” means 3.95 per cent. per annum.<br />

(ii) Determination of Floating Rate of Interest and Calculation of Interest Amount: The Principal<br />

Paying Agent will, as soon as practicable after 11.00 am (Brussels time) on each Interest<br />

Determination Date, but in no event later than the second Business Day after such date, determine<br />

the Note Interest Rate in respect of and calculate the Interest Amount payable in respect of the<br />

Class A1B Notes, the Class A2 Notes, the Class B Notes, the Class C Notes, the Class D Notes<br />

and the Class E Notes (as applicable) of €1,000 of such Notes for the relevant Interest Accrual<br />

Period. The Interest Amount in respect of the Class A1B Notes, the Class A2 Notes, the Class B<br />

Notes, the Class C Notes, the Class D Notes and the Class E Notes for each Authorised<br />

Denomination shall be calculated by applying the relevant Note Interest Rate of the Class A1B<br />

Notes, the Class A2 Notes, the Class B Notes, the Class C Notes, the Class D Notes and the Class<br />

E Notes (as applicable) to an amount equal to each such Authorised Denomination, multiplying the<br />

product by the actual number of days in the Interest Accrual Period concerned divided by 360 and<br />

rounding the resultant figure to the nearest cent (half a cent being rounded upwards).<br />

(iii) Reference Banks and Principal Paying Agent: The Issuer shall procure that, so long as any Class<br />

A1B Notes, Class A2 Notes, Class B Notes, Class C Notes, Class D Notes or Class E Notes are<br />

Outstanding:<br />

(A)<br />

(B)<br />

a Principal Paying Agent shall be appointed and maintained for the purposes of<br />

determining the interest rate and interest amount payable in respect of such Outstanding<br />

Classes of Notes, as applicable; and<br />

in the event that the Class A1B Note Interest Rate, Class A2 Note Interest Rate, Class B<br />

Note Interest Rate, Class C Note Interest Rate, Class D Note Interest Rate or Class E Note<br />

Interest Rate is to be calculated by Reference Banks pursuant to Condition 6 (Interest),<br />

that the number of Reference Banks required pursuant to such Condition are appointed.<br />

If the Principal Paying Agent is unable or unwilling to continue to act as the Principal Paying<br />

Agent for the purpose of calculating interest hereunder or fails duly to establish the Class A1B<br />

Note Interest Rate, the Class A2 Note Interest Rate, the Class B Note Interest Rate, the Class C<br />

Note Interest Rate, the Class D Note Interest Rate or the Class E Note Interest Rate for any Interest<br />

Accrual Period or to calculate the Interest Amount on the Notes (other than the Class A1A Notes),<br />

the Issuer shall appoint another financial institution with the ability to provide the services<br />

undertaken by the Principal Paying Agent herein to act as such in its place. The Principal Paying<br />

Agent may not resign its duties without a successor having been so appointed.<br />

(f)<br />

Interest on the Class N Notes: The Collateral Administrator will on each Determination Date calculate<br />

the Interest Amount payable in respect of each €1,000 in original principal amount of the Class N<br />

Notes for the relevant Interest Accrual Period. The Interest Amount so payable on each Payment Date<br />

(other than on a Redemption Date or the Maturity Date of the Class N Notes) in respect of each €1,000<br />

in original principal amount of Class N Notes shall be calculated by multiplying the aggregate of:<br />

(i) the amount of Interest Proceeds to be applied on the applicable Payment Date pursuant to<br />

paragraphs (II) and (KK) of Condition 3(c)(i) (Application of Interest Proceeds on Payment Dates)<br />

and Principal Proceeds to be applied in payment of interest on the Class N Notes pursuant to<br />

paragraph (Z) of Condition 3(c)(iii) (Application of Principal Proceeds on Payment Dates); and<br />


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