REM Rapport Annuel No. 1 OIF Congo Brazzaville - Forests Monitor

REM Rapport Annuel No. 1 OIF Congo Brazzaville - Forests Monitor

REM Rapport Annuel No. 1 OIF Congo Brazzaville - Forests Monitor


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It should be noted that appendices to the Forest Code that provide information to applicants,<br />

were added in 2007 by the Directorate-General of Forest Economy following the<br />

recommendations of a World Bank study on the allocation of logging permits. The Forest<br />

Administration has also established a system for rating the responses to calls for tender based<br />

on indicators divided into three categories of criteria (administrative/legal, technical, and<br />

economic/financial). This system, not included in the existing legal framework, is based on<br />

indicators that correspond to the procedural standards enacted by the forest law, its<br />

subsequent texts, and national management directives. These measures were adopted with the<br />

goal of moving progressively towards a clarification of applicant obligations and improving<br />

the call for tender evaluation system. 25 This rating system was used for the first time during<br />

this call for tender that was, in this way, based on dossiers being admissible only if they<br />

received at least 50% of all possible points.<br />

In addition to the party winning the call for tender, 26 the Forest Commission designates a best<br />

runner-up for each forest area offered in the call for tender. 27 Approved and disqualified<br />

applicants are notified by the Forest Commission, and a procedure leading to the signature of<br />

the agreement is then begun by the parties. It is only following the signature of the agreement<br />

and the publication of the order approving the agreement that a forest unit is actually<br />

attributed.<br />

B. Forest Commission Meeting<br />

The purpose of the Forest Commission meeting on 08 March 2008, under the chairmanship<br />

of the Minister of Forest Economy, was to examine the dossiers submitted following the call<br />

for tender issued by Order <strong>No</strong>. 5069/MEF/CAB of 26 June 2007 for the development of the<br />

Enyellé Ibenga FMU located in the department of Likouala. The outcome of this meeting was<br />

to identify the applicant that should be approved by the Commission.<br />

Four dossiers were submitted for the development of the Enyellé-Ibenga FMU by the logging<br />

companies PAMELA, Million Well <strong>Congo</strong> Bois, BUIC-Forest and DDF.<br />

The results presented by the technical committee (DGEF) are supposed to guide the members<br />

of the Forest Commission when choosing which dossiers to approve. There is therefore an<br />

open discussion during the Forest Commission meeting with the goal of the members<br />

designating, after discussion, the approved candidate. In this specific case, the technical<br />

committee (DGEF) shared its conclusions with the Forest Commission members and guests.<br />

The proposed ratings were, however, not discussed by the other members of the Forest<br />

Commission. Among the dossiers examined, the Forest Commission deemed the dossiers<br />

submitted by the PAMELA, Buic-Forest and DDF 28 companies to be unacceptable because<br />

25 The World Bank does not yet deem this system to be able to comply with the competition conditions for calls for tender.<br />

26 Beyond applicants whose dossiers have been approved by the Forest Commission.<br />

27 The purpose of designating a runner‐up candidate is to begin negotiations with this party if the candidate approved by<br />

the Forest Commission steps aside, and to avoid re‐issuing a new call for tender.<br />

28 These companies received scores of less than 50: 23 for PAMELA and 10.75 for DDF. The company BUIC was not rated<br />

since, lacking articles of association, it does not officially exist.<br />


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