vim 101 hacks

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Vim <strong>101</strong> Hacks<br />

www.thegeekstuff.com<br />

• %l – Line number of the line where the cursor is located<br />

• %L – Total number of lines in the file<br />

• %p - percentage of the file. For example, if the cursor is at the<br />

middle of the file, this will show 50%<br />

Hack 69. Change Vim Colors<br />

First view all available color schemes in your Vim editor<br />

:!ls $VIMRUNTIME/colors<br />

blue.<strong>vim</strong> delek.<strong>vim</strong> evening.<strong>vim</strong><br />

murphy.<strong>vim</strong> README.txt slate.<strong>vim</strong><br />

darkblue.<strong>vim</strong> desert.<strong>vim</strong> koehler.<strong>vim</strong><br />

pablo.<strong>vim</strong> ron.<strong>vim</strong> torte.<strong>vim</strong><br />

default.<strong>vim</strong> elflord.<strong>vim</strong> morning.<strong>vim</strong><br />

peachpuff.<strong>vim</strong> shine.<strong>vim</strong> zellner.<strong>vim</strong><br />

For example, if you see blue.<strong>vim</strong> or evening.<strong>vim</strong> listed, you can change to<br />

those color schemes as shown below.<br />

:colorscheme evening<br />

(or)<br />

:colorscheme blue<br />

You can also download additional color scheme and put it under<br />

$VIMRUNTIME/colors. Get those from<br />

http://www.<strong>vim</strong>.org/scripts/script_search_results.php?keywords=&script_typ<br />

e=color+scheme&order_by=rating<br />


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