PDF file: Annual Report 2002/2003 - Scottish Crop Research Institute

PDF file: Annual Report 2002/2003 - Scottish Crop Research Institute

PDF file: Annual Report 2002/2003 - Scottish Crop Research Institute


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Director’s <strong>Report</strong><br />

In 1903, W. S. Sutton (1876-1916) pointed out that<br />

the Mendelian ratios could be explained by the cytological<br />

behaviour of the chromosomes. In 1911, T.<br />

H. Morgan (1866-1945) claimed that certain traits<br />

were genetically linked on the chromosome, arranged<br />

as genes in a linear <strong>file</strong>, thereby stimulating the construction<br />

of genetic maps. In 1930, R. A. Fisher<br />

(1890-1962) in The Genetical Theory of Natural<br />

Selection established that superior genes have a significant<br />

selective advantage, supporting the view that<br />

Darwinian evolution was compatible with the science<br />

of genetics. Thereafter, the relationships between<br />

mutant genes and metabolism described in 1941 by<br />

G. W. Beadle (1903-1989) and E. L. Tatum (1909-<br />

1975), and the work of O. T. Avery (1877-1955) et<br />

al. in 1944 on the transfer of DNA molecules in<br />

pneumococcus bacteria, were able to provide a background<br />

to the groundbreaking model of the structure<br />

of DNA by F. H. C. Crick (born 1916) and J. D.<br />

Watson (born 1928) in 1953. This model could<br />

account for gene replication and the transfer of genetic<br />

information. From such work has developed modern<br />

molecular genetics.<br />

Plant and animal breeding advances, however, were<br />

not reliant on genetical science per se. Selection and<br />

breeding of crop plants had started with the onset of<br />

agriculture, and gained momentum with organised<br />

learning. Competent and invaluable crossing and<br />

selection programmes were well underway in the latter<br />

part of the 19 th century, providing crucial parental<br />

material for modern cultivars. After his On the<br />

Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859)<br />

and The Variation of Animals and Plants under<br />

Domestication (1868), Charles Darwin (1809-1882) in<br />

1876 had noted that inbreeding usually reduced plant<br />

vigour but that crossbreeding restored it, a fact that<br />

was confirmed by G. H. Shull in 1908. Rarely cited<br />

is the work of Johann Christian Fabricius (1745-<br />

1808) the entomologist and economist, who proposed<br />

that new species and varieties could arise through<br />

hybridisation and by environmental influence on<br />

anatomical structure and function. C. Saunders<br />

adopted the plant breeding principles of planned<br />

crossbreeding, rigorous selection protocols, replicated<br />

trials, and checking performance for local use. His<br />

work led to the introduction in 1900 of the technologically<br />

advanced Canadian wheat cultivar, Marquis.<br />

In 1917, D. F. Jones discovered the double-cross<br />

hybridisation techniques. By 1921, the first hybrid<br />

maize involving inbred lines were sold commercially.<br />

In the last 50-60 years, through the rapid development<br />

of crop genetics and genetical science, improved<br />

strains of rice and wheat led to the Green Revolution,<br />

other new hybrid crops were created, genetic engineering<br />

was able successfully to produce transgenic plants,<br />

and a systematic transfer took place from the original<br />

‘crossing two of the best and hoping for the best’<br />

approach of breeding and culling by numbers, to<br />

rational and sophisticated crossing programmes, careful<br />

selection of parents and the systematic introgression<br />

of desirable genes. This has enabled robust<br />

approaches to combat pests and diseases, and to<br />

improve yields and quality characteristics. Several<br />

articles in the SCRI <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> series describe<br />

advances in modern plant genetics, breeding, and<br />

pathology, as well as more recent discoveries in agricultural<br />

environmental science, all underpinned by<br />

biotechnological innovations. Parallel advances have<br />

been made elsewhere in livestock breeding.<br />

Modern-style pest and disease control through application<br />

of such substances as arsenates, Bordeaux mixture<br />

(copper sulphate and lime), derris, London<br />

Purple, nicotine, paris green, pyrethrum, quassia, and<br />

tar oils began in the latter half of the 19 th century,<br />

aided in the 20 th century by new application devices<br />

and improved synthetic chemistry. Synthetic pesticides<br />

spun out of the discovery in 1942 by P. H.<br />

Muller (1899-1965) of the persistent insecticidal<br />

properties of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT),<br />

a chlorinated organic compound originally synthesised<br />

in 1874 by O. Zeidler. Other similar compounds<br />

were introduced, such as chlordane (1945), methoxychlor<br />

(1945), aldrin (1948), heptachlor (1948),<br />

Toxaphene (1948), and endrin (1951). From military<br />

research on poison gases in Germany during World<br />

War II came the organophosphorus compounds such<br />

as Schradan and parathion. Other synthetic compounds<br />

were introduced, such as the dithiocarbarnates,<br />

the methylthiuram disulfides, thaladimides, and<br />

Malathion, and the pesticide industry produced an<br />

array of insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, molluscicides,<br />

growth regulators, rodent poisons etc. In<br />

response to concerns about the environmental effects<br />

and persistence of pesticides, not least through the<br />

publication in 1962 of Silent Spring by R. Carson, the<br />

efforts of diverse environmental groups, reports of<br />

adverse health effects, the development in some<br />

instances of pesticide resistance, and the regulatory<br />

costs imposed on the agrochemical industry, interest<br />

grew in organic farming methods and in integrated<br />

control measures (ICM). These involve in various<br />

combinations, pest- and disease-resistant cultivars,<br />


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