2014 Wyoming Nursing Summit and Convention

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<strong>2014</strong> <strong>Wyoming</strong> Nurses Association<br />


Bylaws Changes<br />

1. Goal #1<br />

a. Motion to accept changes as outlined by Norma Wilkerson<br />

b. Second Hulbert, District #2<br />

c. Passed without further discussion<br />

2. Goal #2<br />

a. Motion to accept changes as outlined by Norma Wilkerson\<br />

b. Second Wrasper, District #2<br />

c. Passed without further discussion<br />

3. Goal #3<br />

a. Motion to accept changes as outlined by Norma Wilkerson<br />

b. Second Knaus, District #2<br />

c. Passed without further discussion<br />

4. Additional bylaws changes provided to membership (please see attachment)<br />

a. Motion to accept changes as outlined from bylaws committee by Norma Wilkerson<br />

b. Second Fichman, District #2<br />

c. Passed without further discussion<br />

Membership Dues Increase<br />

1. Motion to increase WNA membership dues by $16/year by Vickie Winney<br />

2. Second Kathy Luzmoor<br />

3. Passed without further discussion<br />




1. Kathy Luzmoor – outgoing Vice President<br />

2. Jennifer Jones – outgoing Secretary<br />

3. Jeanine Niemoller – outgoing WNA Awards Committee Chair<br />

4. Norma Wilkerson – outgoing WNA Bylaws Committee Chair<br />

5. Maria Kidner – out going District #1 president<br />

6. Joan Connelly - out going District #3 president<br />

7. David Bodily – outgoing District #6 president<br />

8. Tammy Krell – outgoing District #17 president<br />

9. Barbara Jean James - outgoing District #50 president<br />



1. Tellers Report –Sue Howard, Maria Kidner, Vickie Winney<br />

a. 342 ballots sent out<br />

b. 71 ballots returned<br />

c. 1 ineligible<br />

2. Introduction of new officers<br />

a. Vice President – Tammy Krell 69 votes<br />

b. Secretary – Marianne 68 votes<br />

c. Both Tammy Krell <strong>and</strong> Marianne received write in votes for the alternate officer (Krell<br />

for secretary <strong>and</strong> Marianne for Vice President)<br />

3. WNA Legislative Agenda results<br />

a. Referred membership to page 15 of annual meeting book<br />

i. WNA should support legislative approach to safe staffing<br />

ii. WNA should support efforts to support workplace safety in healthcare<br />

iii. WNA should support the WSBON in their efforts for compact licensing<br />

iv. WNA should not support them moving forward until all questions are<br />

answered <strong>and</strong> clarified<br />

4. Past President Faith Jones reported ANA efforts to support safe staffing <strong>and</strong> invited membership<br />

to talk with her regarding these conversations as well as contribution to ANA PAC<br />



Meeting adjourned at: 1156 by President Horton<br />

Respectfully Submitted by Jennifer Jones<br />


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