QBE European Operations plc

QBE European Operations plc

QBE European Operations plc


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<strong>QBE</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>plc</strong> Annual report 2011<br />

52<br />

Notes to the financial statements<br />

continued<br />

For the year ended 31 December 2011<br />

1 Accounting policies continued<br />

depreciate all properties, which conflicts with SSAP 19. The directors<br />

consider that, as these properties are held for investments, to depreciate<br />

them would not give a true and fair view, hence it is necessary to adopt<br />

SSAP 19.<br />

h) Taxation<br />

The charge for taxation is based on the result for the year adjusted for<br />

disallowable items. Deferred taxation is measured on an undiscounted<br />

basis at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which<br />

timing differences reverse, based on tax rates and laws enacted or<br />

substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are<br />

recognised to the extent that it is regarded as more likely than not that<br />

they will be recovered.<br />

i) Investments<br />

Except where noted below, all investments are designated as fair value<br />

through profit and loss on initial recognition. They are initially recorded<br />

at fair value, being the cost of acquisition excluding transaction costs<br />

and are subsequently remeasured to fair value at each reporting date.<br />

Financial assets are managed on a fair value basis in accordance with<br />

the Group’s documented investment strategy.<br />

Listed investments are stated at fair value on current bid prices quoted<br />

by the relevant exchanges. Unlisted investments are carried at the<br />

directors’ estimate of the current fair value.<br />

Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the date on which<br />

a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently stated at<br />

fair value determined using generally accepted valuation techniques,<br />

including the use of forward exchange rates for the valuation of forward<br />

foreign exchange contracts.<br />

Loans to Group undertakings are stated at amortised cost converted<br />

at the relevant exchange rates at balance sheet date.<br />

Financial assets are derecognised when the right to receive future<br />

cash flows from the assets has expired, or has been transferred<br />

and the Group has transferred substantively all the risks and rewards<br />

of ownership.<br />

j) Hedging transactions<br />

Derivatives held for risk management purposes which meet the criteria<br />

specified in FRS 26 are accounted for using net investment in foreign<br />

operating hedge accounting or cash flow hedge accounting.<br />

When a financial instrument is designated as a hedge, the Group<br />

formally documents the relationship between the hedging instrument<br />

and hedged item as well as its risk management objectives and its<br />

strategy for undertaking the various hedging transactions. The Group<br />

also documents its assessment, both at hedge inception and on an<br />

ongoing basis, of whether the hedging instruments are highly effective<br />

in offsetting changes in cash flows of hedged items.<br />

Hedge accounting is discontinued when:<br />

• it is determined that a derivative is not, or has ceased to be, highly<br />

effective as a hedge;<br />

• the derivative expires, or is sold, terminated or exercised; or<br />

• the hedged item matures, is sold or repaid.<br />

For qualifying hedges, the fair value gain or loss associated with the<br />

effective portion of the hedge is recognised initially directly in reserves<br />

and transferred to the profit and loss account in the period when the<br />

hedged item will affect profit or loss. The gain or loss on any ineffective<br />

portion of the hedging instrument is recognised in the profit and loss<br />

account immediately. When a hedging instrument expires or is sold,<br />

or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting,<br />

any cumulative gain or loss existing in equity at that time remains in<br />

reserves and is recognised when the hedged item affects the profit and<br />

loss account. When a transaction is no longer expected to occur, the<br />

cumulative gain or loss that was recognised in reserves is recognised<br />

immediately through the profit and loss account.<br />

k) Financial liabilities<br />

Creditors are initially recognised at fair value, net of directly attributable<br />

transaction costs and are subsequently stated at amortised cost through<br />

the profit and loss account using the effective interest method. The<br />

exception being derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the date<br />

on which a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently stated<br />

at fair value determined using generally accepted valuation techniques,<br />

including the use of forward exchange rates for the valuation of forward<br />

foreign exchange contracts.<br />

l) Shares in Group undertakings<br />

Shares in Group undertakings are included in the company’s balance<br />

sheet at cost less any impairment, based on the directors having prudent<br />

regard for their likely realisable value. Dividends from Group undertakings<br />

are taken into account when the right to receive payment is established,<br />

for interim dividends, when they are paid and, for final dividends, when<br />

they are approved by shareholders.<br />

m) Investment income<br />

Interest income is recognised on an accruals basis. Dividends are<br />

recognised when the right to receive payment is established. Investment<br />

income includes realised and unrealised gains or losses on financial<br />

assets which are reported on a combined basis as fair value gains or<br />

losses on financial assets.<br />

A transfer is made from the non-technical account to the technical account<br />

of the return on investments supporting the insurance technical provisions.<br />

n) Realised and unrealised gains and losses<br />

Realised gains and losses on investments carried at fair value through<br />

profit and loss are calculated as the difference between net sales<br />

proceeds and purchase price.<br />

Unrealised gains and losses represent the difference between the<br />

valuation of the investment at the balance sheet date and their purchase<br />

price, or if they have been previously valued, their valuation at the last<br />

balance sheet date, together with a reversal of unrealised gains and<br />

losses recognised in earlier accounting periods in respect of investment<br />

disposals in the current year.<br />

All realised and unrealised gains and losses on investments are initially<br />

recorded in the profit and loss non-technical account. A transfer is made<br />

from the non-technical account to the technical account of the realised<br />

and unrealised gains and losses on investments supporting the insurance<br />

technical provisions.<br />

o) Foreign currency translations<br />

The functional currency of the company is UK pound sterling (£). The<br />

company and Group present its accounts in thousands of pounds sterling.

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