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31 COMMANDS<br />

I<br />

’ve had a small percentage of emails<br />

asking why I don’t teach “C” programming<br />

or assembly. I’ve had people<br />

email me details about other “better”<br />

microcontrollers or even “better” programmers<br />

than the EZPIC programmer<br />

I’ve presented earlier. The common<br />

theme though seems to be that I’m out<br />

of touch or doing a disservice because I<br />

focused on the Basic language in these<br />

articles. I’ve heard all that before, too.<br />

I’ll be the first to admit I’m no<br />

expert. I’m just trying to help beginners<br />

get started. It’s my dream that every<br />

person realizes they are capable of<br />

creating that special electronic gadget<br />

using a microcontroller. When the<br />

Personal Computer first came out<br />

people asked “What do you do with it?”<br />

Eventually, people with very little<br />

knowledge of a PC were writing programs<br />

in Basic language that launched<br />

an industry. Early killer apps such as<br />

Visicalc (the first Excel) made the Apple<br />

II computer an industry standard.<br />

Eventually programming languages<br />

evolved and so did the hardware.<br />

C, Pascal, Fortran, and other languages<br />

were soon available. If you were<br />

into programming, you were in heaven.<br />

Jobs were created that involved<br />

programming only.<br />

Companies were<br />

launched that only<br />

sold software.<br />

PICs<br />



programming Microchip PICs is a success. Based on loads of<br />

email, I’ve helped many readers get back in the electronics<br />

game and comfortable programming microcontrollers. That<br />

is a reward in itself and is enough for me because many<br />

years ago, I was there, too. That success, though, also invites its detractors.<br />

74 April 2006<br />


■ FIGURE 1. The full<br />

version of the PICBasic<br />

Pro compiler.<br />

Microsoft — the biggest of them all —<br />

started out by offering the Basic<br />

language. A totally new profession was<br />

launched but it all started with a<br />

microchip and I never forgot this fact.<br />

Where does it say that a user who<br />

writes a program in Basic that gets<br />

programmed into a PIC and runs that<br />

custom temperature datalogger or<br />

home alarm system isn’t also a real<br />

program? If it works, who cares how<br />

you got the 1s and 0s into the chip. If,<br />

after a while, you want to move from<br />

Basic into other languages currently<br />

(and I stress currently) accepted in<br />

industry, then you have a great<br />

platform to build on. I write these<br />

articles for electronics hobbyists and<br />

also mechanical engineers, chemical<br />

scientists, basement technologists,<br />

and kids just getting started. In other<br />

words, anybody who is willing to learn<br />

can become a PIC programmer.<br />

Are there better chips out there<br />

for your application? Maybe. Are there<br />

better PIC programmers out there?<br />

Yeah, if you can afford to pay more. If<br />

my articles get you started and you<br />

eventually move to C and better chips<br />

and better tools, then all I<br />

ask is don’t forget those<br />

behind you.<br />

The help I received<br />

from those more experi-<br />

■ FIGURE 2. The Basic Atom.<br />

enced was priceless, so I’m passing it<br />

back on to you, the reader. With all<br />

the tools, books, components, and<br />

software dedicated to Microchip PICs<br />

out there now, there is no reason to<br />

pay someone big bucks to create a<br />

prototype of that great invention in<br />

your head. Do it with a PIC.<br />


Speaking of tools, if you have<br />

been using the 31-command-line free<br />

sample version of the PICBasic Pro<br />

compiler, by now you probably are<br />

ready to write bigger and more complex<br />

programs or even use different<br />

PICs. The obvious next step is to<br />

purchase the full version of the<br />

PICBasic Pro compiler (Figure 1). With<br />

it, you can write programs as big as<br />

your PIC chip memory can handle.<br />

You can program eight pin PICs, such<br />

as the 12F675 or even the new 18F<br />

PICs with up to 64K of memory. All<br />

this comes at a cost though.<br />

The full compiler retails for<br />

$249.95 and even though I discount it<br />

at my website (www.elproducts.com),<br />

it’s still a lot of money to shell out if<br />

you are not sure how much you will<br />

use it. It’s like having a tool in your<br />

tool box. Once you have it, you<br />

wonder how you did jobs without it.<br />

There are other options, though.

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