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GLASILO noemvri, 2008<br />

Vo organizacija na ZELS, Rabotilnica za PR na op{tinite<br />

Pozitivno spravuvawe so krizata<br />

-poen za op{tinata<br />

„Krizno komunicirawe, strategija i dejstvuvawe” be{e<br />

nose~kata tema na rabotilnicata na ~lenovite na<br />

Mre`ata na lica za odnosi so javnost na op{tinite, {to<br />

ZELS ja organizira{e vo Mavrovo i koja e treta po red,<br />

od predvidenite ~etiri rabotilnici vo oblasta na komunikaciite,<br />

vo ramkite na Proektot „Samostojnost na<br />

ZELS i uslugi (faza 2)” podr`an od [vajcarskata agencija<br />

za razvoj (SDC).<br />

Ovaa tema predizvika golem inters kaj ~lenovite na<br />

Mre`ata na PR licata, istaknuvaj}i deka }e im bide od<br />

golema polza vo uslovi koga mediumite bespo{tedno baraat<br />

informacii i „napa|aat” golem broj na op{tini, osobeno<br />

vo domenot na nivnoto finansiko i transparentno<br />

rabotewe. Be{e uka`ano deka sekoja op{tina bi trebalo<br />

da ima lice za odnosi so javnost, predvideno i so odredbite<br />

za sistematizacijata na vrabotenite vo op{tinite,<br />

utvrdeno od Agencijata za dr`avni slu`benici. Vo uslovi<br />

na kriza, op{tina bi trebalo da ima prethodno razraboteno<br />

pove}e planovi za dejstvuvawe vo kriza, odnosno<br />

bi bilo polezno prethodno da gi predvidi i proektira<br />

oblastite vo koi op{tinata bi bila najranliva i lesna<br />

meta za mediumski napad. Be{e potencirano deka od<br />

posebno zna~ewe e navremenoto formirawe na krizen<br />

{tab, so imenuvani ~lenovi, koi }e gi imaat informaciite,<br />

}e ja podgotvuvaat strategijata za dejstvuvawe i }e<br />

upravuvaat so krizata. Anga`iraniot media –ekspertot<br />

osobeno potencira deka sekoja kriza treba da bide iskoristena<br />

vo sopstvena polza, odnosno pozitivnoto spravuvawe<br />

so krizata mo`e samo da dade pozitivni poeni za<br />

op{tinata, a ne da se do`ivee fijasko i da ima negativni<br />

posledici za op{tinata. Pri toa bea izneseni i odredeni<br />

prakti~ni primeri kade prisutnite rabotea na poleto<br />

na sovladuvawe na nametnati primeri na kriza.<br />

Na rabotilnicata, ~lenovite na Mre`ata na lica za<br />

odnosi so javnost na op{tinite, formirana pri ZELS,<br />

isto taka, razmenija i informacii za aktivnosti vo<br />

svoite op{tini, za problemite so koi se soo~uvaat vo<br />

raboteweto, pobaraa soveti od svoite kolegi za nadminuvawe<br />

na odredeni sostojbi. Bea izneseni i idei za<br />

ponatamo{nata rabota na Mre`ata i za neophodnosta<br />

od nadograduvawe na licata za odnosi so javnost koi<br />

rabotat vo op{tinite. Tie istaknaa deka tokmu PR-ite,<br />

koi treba da pretstavuvaat ogledalo na op{tinata pred<br />

mediumite, odnosno pred javnosta, ne posetuvaat re~isi<br />

nikakvi obuki. Pri toa izrazija golemo zadovolstvo od<br />

aktivnostite {to ZELS gi prezema na ova pole. Od diskusiite<br />

proizleze i zaklu~okot deka mal broj op{tini<br />

posvetuvaat vnimanie na nadograduvawe i obu~uvawe na<br />

svoite PR lica.Materijata za odnosi so javnost e navistina<br />

kompleksna, postojano promenliva i bara licata<br />

za odnosi so javnost postojano da gi sledat promenite i<br />

sovremenite dostignuvawa na ova pole. Za toa e potrebno<br />

prezemawe na kontinuirano nadograduvawe na sposobnostite<br />

i ve{tinite za odnosi so javnost, kako i razmena<br />

na iskustva od kolegite od op{tini kako od na{ata zemja<br />

taka i od op{tinite od zemjite vo Evropa i regionot.<br />

19<br />

ZELS organizes Workshop on Municipal PR<br />

Positive Crisis Management<br />

– a Score for the Municipality<br />

“Crisis communication, strategy and action” was the main<br />

topic of the Workshop held for the members of the Municipal<br />

Public Relations Officers’ Network, which ZELS organized in<br />

Mavrovo. This was the third of the four workshops envisaged<br />

in the sphere of communications as part of the “ZELS’<br />

Independence and Services (Phase 2)” Project, which is supported<br />

by the Swiss Agency for Development (SDC).<br />

The topic caused great interest among the PR Network’s<br />

members, who underlined that it would be of great benefit<br />

to them in conditions where the media ruthlessly sought<br />

information and “attacked” a large number of municipalities,<br />

particularly with regard to their financial operations<br />

and transparency. It was pointed out that each municipality<br />

should have a PR officer, as envisaged by the regulations<br />

concerning municipalities’ staffing system and established<br />

by the Agency for Public Servants. In crisis conditions, the<br />

municipalities should have previously elaborated plans for<br />

action in a situation of crisis, i.e. it would be useful to predict<br />

in advance the spheres in which they would be most vulnerable<br />

and easy targets for media attacks. It was stressed that<br />

timely formation of crisis headquarters was of particular importance,<br />

with appointed members who will have the information,<br />

prepare the strategy for action and manage the crisis.<br />

The media expert engaged at the Workshop underlined<br />

that the municipalities should use each crisis to their own<br />

benefit, i.e. the positive crisis management may only bring<br />

positive scores to the municipalities and save them from a<br />

fiasco or negative consequences. Also presented on this occasion<br />

were some practical examples, which the participants<br />

used to exercise dealing with imposed crisis cases.<br />

At the Workshop, the members of the Municipal Public Relations<br />

Officers’ Network, formed at ZELS, also exchanged<br />

information on the activities in their municipalities and the<br />

problems they encountered in their work, and sought advice<br />

from their colleagues on overcoming certain situations. Also<br />

presented were some ideas for the Network’s further action<br />

and the need for building the skills of the PR officers working<br />

in the municipalities. The participants stressed that the PR<br />

officers, who actually represented the municipalities before<br />

the media, i.e. the public, were virtually not attending any<br />

training. In this, they expressed great pleasure with the activities<br />

that ZELS was taking up in this regard. The discussions<br />

resulted in the conclusion that a small number of municipalities<br />

devote attention to upgrading and training of their PR officers.<br />

The PR work is really complex, keeps changing all the<br />

time, and seeks from the PR officers to constantly follow the<br />

changes and advanced accomplishments in this domain. This<br />

requires continuous upgrading of the skills and knowledge<br />

related to public relations, as well as exchange of experiences<br />

among the counterparts, both from the municipalities in<br />

the country and those of the municipalities in the counties of<br />

Europe and the region.

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